Posted: January 12, 2022
Wednesday, January 12th, 2022
Good morning students and families!
Today is our second day of home learning. I apologize for the inconvenience, We were having some technical issues this morning. Here are today's activities:
Reading: Reading comprehension for today is the worksheet titled "Flag Day". Please read 2-3 times before completing the comprehension questions. When completed add sheet to your envelope.
Writing: Please refer to the "Winter Writing Prompts" sheet. Choose the writing prompt that interests you. Please date the box so you know that one is completed. Use the scribbler to complete your writing piece. Always include the date.
Math: Today's focus is skip counting by 3's. 2 worksheets titled "Count by 3's Penguins" and "Count by 3's". When complete add to your envelope.
Once again, thank you for your support during this challenging time of Home Learning.
Miss you all :)
Ms. Anderson