Posted: October 25, 2022
Welcome to grade 3 Anderson. We are very excited to use our class webpage and hope to post
a lot of fun things that we do in class together. Please keeping checking our page when you can.
It's going to be a fantastic year!
Posted: October 25, 2022
Welcome to grade 3 Anderson. We are very excited to use our class webpage and hope to post
a lot of fun things that we do in class together. Please keeping checking our page when you can.
It's going to be a fantastic year!
Posted: March 4, 2022
Stayed tuned for pictures of today's social studies activities.
the children had fun making Bannok.
Posted: January 30, 2022
I'm sure I won't sleep a wink tonight! I am so excited to see you all and hear all about your holidays as well as home learning
experience. A few things to remember:
1. Please wear a well fitted mask that stays up over the nose and bring an extra in your book bag.
2. Pack a water bottle, extra socks/ mittens in your book bag as you will be going outdoors weather permitting for Gym.
3. Please return your Home Learning Pack in the brown envelope.
I appreciate all the hard work you have done while at home. I am sure you are all just as ready as I am to get back in the classroom to learn and have fun!
See you bright and early tomorrow
Ms. Anderson
Posted: January 28, 2022
It's Friday!
Good morning students and families!
Today is our fourteenth day of Home Learning. I am beyond happy that it is our last day and we will all be back together Monday for face to face learning.
Here are today’s activities!
Reading & Writing: I would like you to use today to complete any activities you had difficulty finishing this week. I understand home learning was not an easy task.
When you are finished check out Dreamscape to further strengthen your reading and comprehension skills.
Math: “Addition Shark Attack”. 3-Digit Addition without regrouping. Add to find the sums. Then solve the riddle by matching the letters to the blank lines.
*Reading each day and physical activity are very important. Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active!
Thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.
My email is
Miss you all! I can't wait to see you all Monday!
Please return your envelope on Monday! I'm sure there may be a little treat waiting for you!
Posted: January 27, 2022
Thursday, January 27th, 2022
Good morning students and families!
Today is our Thirteenth day of Home Learning. Remember work hard and always try your best!
Here are today’s activities!
Reading: “Shh! It’s a Secret” by Kelly Hashway. Please read the passage and complete the 4 comprehension questions. When complete add sheet to your envelope. **Please keep a list of books read on the reading log included.
Writing: Do you think it’s ever okay to tell a secret? Why or why not? When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Math: “Even and Odd Sums”. Solve each addition problem, cut the cards and sort them on the other page into “Even Sums” and “Odd Sums”. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Odd: Numbers ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
Even: Numbers ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
*Reading each day and physical activity are very important. Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active!
Thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.
My email is
Miss you all
Posted: January 26, 2022
Good morning students and families!
Today is our twelfth day of Home Learning. Remember work hard and always try your best!
Here are today’s activities!
Reading: “Help the World” by Neal Levin. Please read the poem 2-3 times and complete the 4 comprehension questions. When complete add sheet to your envelope. **Please keep a list of books read on the reading log included.
Writing: Write a paragraph to describe 3 changes you want to see in the world we live in. Include 3 examples of what you can do to make these changes. Remember begin with brainstorming. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Math: “Addition Word Problems”. Read the 4 problems and solve. Remember all involving regrouping. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
*Reading each day and physical activity are very important. Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active!
Thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.
My email is
Miss you all!
Posted: January 25, 2022
Tuesday, January 25th, 2022
Good morning students and families!
Today is our eleventh day of Home Learning. Remember work hard and always try your best!
Here are today’s activities!
Reading: “The Perfect Camping Trip” by Anita N. Amin. Please read the story and complete the 5 comprehension questions. When complete add sheet to your envelope. **Please keep a list of books read on the reading log included.
Word Work: Unscramble the letters in the boxes to form vocabulary words from the story. Write the complete word on the line.
Writing: Write about a time something didn’t go the way you planned. How were you able to make the best out of the situation? Did you find a way to have fun anyway? When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Math: Dreambox: Please reach out if you do not have your username or password.
*Reading each day and physical activity are very important. Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active!
Thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.
My email is
Miss you all!
Posted: January 24, 2022
Monday, January 24th, 2022
Good morning students and families!
Today is our tenth day of Home Learning. Remember work hard and always try your best!
Here are today’s activities!
Reading: “Homegrown” by Cindy Breedlove. Please read poem 2-3 times before completing the 3 comprehension questions. When complete add sheet to your envelope. **Please keep a list of books read on the reading log included.
Writing: With the help of a parent or older sibling find a (simple) recipe that you might enjoy making. It could be for a favorite cookie, cake, or supper dish. Copy or print recipe and put it into your scribbler or envelope for when you return.
Math: Worksheet #1 and #2 “Addition Blocks”. Use place value blocks to add, trading tens for ones. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
*Reading each day and physical activity are very important. Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active!
Thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.
My email is
Miss you all!
Posted: January 21, 2022
Friday, January 21st, 2022
Good morning students and families!
Today is our ninth day of Home Learning. Remember work hard and always try your best!
Here are today’s activities!
Reading & Writing: I would like you to use today to complete any activities you had difficulty finishing this week. Remember you can go back, reread writing pieces, and add detail. I am very excited to read all your writing pieces when you return to face-to-face learning.
When you feel you are finished check out Dreamscape. If you, once again, need your username or password just drop me an e-mail.
Math: Worksheet #1 “Addition”. Remember there is regrouping. Please complete the two worksheets. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
*Reading each day and physical activity are very important. Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active!
Thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.
My email is
Miss you all very much!
Posted: January 20, 2022
Thursday, January 20th, 2022
Good morning students and families!
Today is our eight day of Home Learning. Remember work hard and always try your best!
Here are today’s activities!
Reading: “Friends Helping Friends” by Kelly Hashway. Please read passage 2-3 times before completing the 5 comprehension questions. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Writing: Write about a time when you have been very busy. Tell what things you must do during this busy time. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Math: Worksheet #1 “Addition with Regrouping”. Two-Digit Plus One-Digit with regrouping. Add. After each problem, tell if you regrouped. Circle Yes or No. Answer questions 1 to 10. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
*Reading each day and physical activity are very important. Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active!
Thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.
My email is
Miss you all so much!
Posted: January 19, 2022
Wednesday, January 19th, 2022
Good morning students and families!
Today is our seventh day of Home Learning. Remember work hard and always try your best!
Here are today’s activities!
Reading: “Brotherly Love” by Kelly Hashway. Please read passage 2-3 times before completing the 5 comprehension questions. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Writing: Write about a time when you did something kind for a sibling or a friend. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Math: Worksheet #1 “2-Digit Addition”. Rewrite each problem vertically to solve. There is no regrouping in any of the problems. Worksheet #2 “Addition Word Problems”. Answer all questions and show your work. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
*Reading each day and physical activity are very important. Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active!
Thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.
My email is
Miss you all!
Posted: January 18, 2022
Good morning students and families!
Today is our sixth day of Home Learning. Remember work hard and always try your best!
Here are today’s activities!
Reading: “Ben’s Loose Tooth” by Donna Latham. Please read passage 2-3 times before completing the 4 comprehension questions. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Math: “Addition”. Find the Sums. 2-Digit addition without regrouping. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Reading each day and physical activity are very important. Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active!
Once again, thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.
My email is
Miss you all
Posted: January 17, 2022
Monday, January 17th, 2022
Good morning students and families!
Today is our fifth day of Home Learning. Remember work hard and always try your best!
Here are today’s activities!
Reading:“The Strange Star” by Nikki Aksamit. Please read passage 2-3 times before completing the 6 comprehension questions. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Writing: “Dinosaur in the Backyard”. Imagine you woke up and saw a dinosaur in your backyard. Describe what you see and do. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Interesting Dinosaur Facts
Math: “Addition Search”. Can you find 20 Addition facts in the puzzle? Circle each addition fact and its answer. Don’t forget to add the + and = signs. Write the facts you find on the lines below. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
*Reading each day and physical activity are very important. Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active!
Once again, thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.
My email is
Smile, Stay warm, I miss you all!
Posted: January 14, 2022
Friday, January 14th, 2022
Good morning students and families!
Today is our Fourth day of Home Learning. Remember work hard and always try your best!
Here are today’s activities for Fun Friday! Today’s workload will be light as we move into the weekend. Take the extra time to finish any work from the previous days.
Reading: Listen to “Squirrel’s New Year’s Resolution” by Pat Miller found on the Youtube. Squirrel's New Year's Resolution - Pat Miller - New Year's Books Read Aloud - New Year Storytime - YouTube
Can you think of a New Year’s resolution for yourself? Share with your parent or sibling.
Math: Today's focus, Dreambox or Math Playground (Free). If you forget your username and password to this, please don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail.
Reading each day and physical activity are very important. Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active!
Once again, thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.
My email is
Miss you all! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Posted: January 13, 2022
Thursday January 13th, 2022
Good morning students and families!
Today is our Third day of Home Learning. Remember work hard and try your best!
Here are today’s activities.
Reading: Reading comprehension for today is the worksheet titled "The Closet Creature". Please read the passage 2-3 times before completing the comprehension questions on the following page. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Word Work: “The Closet Creature”. Fill in the missing letters to create words from the story. Then, write the full word on the line. Be sure to spell each word correctly. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Writing:“The Closet Creature”. Answer the questions for Characters, Setting, Problem, Solution and Personal Opinion. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Math: Today's focus Dreambox. If you forget your username and password to this, please don’t hesitate to send me an e-mail.
Reading each day and physical activity are very important. Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active! completed work can be stored in the Home Learning envelope as well as your scribbler until we return to in person learning. Once again, thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.
My email is
Miss you all!