Mr. Thompson

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: November 30, 2021

ReadingRead the selection 'Bien Manger’ to a family member or aloud (to the best of your ability)

Math: Complete today's worksheet 'Fractions to Decimals'  (to the best of your ability)

Report card: Report cards were issued today.  Please sign and return the parent signature page. The report card envelope also includes a number of important notices.  

Partent/teacher conferences: Parents who requested a parent/teacher telephone conference for either Thursday Dec. 2nd (PM and evening) or Friday Dec. 3rd (AM) have received a confirmation e-mail which indicates the day and time of your conference.  Parents who wish to have a parent/teacher conference and haven't had a chance to respond as of yet, please e-mail me on the recent e-mail notice that was e-mailed to each parent and I will provide you with a conference time.  Thanks!

Posted: November 29, 2021

Please contact Mr. Thompson by e-mail should your child have difficulties with any of the activities listed below. Please ask your child to simply do his/her best. We will review everything when we return to in-person learning.


FRENCH: Click on the attachment ‘Home Learning Nov. 29th’ below to access the French activities.

MATH: Students may first want to access the 3-minute Youtube video ‘Coverting Fractions to Decimals Song by NUMBEROCK’ for a fun review of decimals, and then click on the attachment ‘Math decimals to fractions’ below to access today’s Math assignment.


Reading (English): I would suggest students read for 15-20 minutes today from the school library book that they chose during our book exchange period on Nov. 25th or perhaps read from a book that they may have at home.

Posted: November 26, 2021


Report cards will be issued on Tuesday Nov. 30th to all students.

Parent/teacher telephone conferences are being scheduled for Thursday Dec. 2nd (PM and evening) and Friday Dec. 3rd (AM)

An e-mail was sent home to all parents earlier this week asking parents to choose a convenient time for their telephone conference.  Please let me know by return e-mail should you wish to have a parent/teacher telephone conference next week.  A confirmation e-mail will be sent home with the time/date of your conference once I have heard your requested date. Thanks!

Posted: November 25, 2021

ReadingRe-read the selection 'C'est l'heure du déjeuner’ to a family member or aloud (to the best of your ability)

Math Test : Tomorrow, Friday Nov. 26th (Bar Graphs and Probability )

Theme Day: Tomorrow is Jersey Day (wear your favorite sports jersey)

ReadingRe-read the selection 'C'est l'heure du déjeuner’ to a family member or aloud (to the best of your ability)

Math: Complete today's worksheets 'Probability' (two pages)

Math Test : Friday Nov. 26th (Bar Graphs and Probability )

Theme Days: Tomorrow is PJ/Hat Day ($1 or $2) and Friday is Jersey Day (wear your favorite sports jersey)

Library: Please return library books for tomorrow's book exchange period

Report cards /Conferences First term report card will be issued on Tuesdau Nov. 30th. Parent/teacher telephone conferences will be Thursday Dec. 2nd (PM) and Friday Dec. 3rd  (AM). I will send an e-mail home to set up a time for the parent/teacher virtual conference

End of term clean-up: Friday Nov 26th is the final day of this term. Students will be asked to take home all items that won't be needed during the next term.  Students will be provided with a bag to transport things home.

Posted: November 23, 2021

                       Assignments: Nov. 23, 2021

Please contact Mr. Thompson by e-mail should your child be experiencing difficulties with any of the activities listed below.


FRENCH: Click on the attachment ‘Home Learning Nov. 23rd’ below to access the French activities.

MATH: Click on the attachment ‘Math probability Nov. 23rd’ below to access today’s Math assignment

Reading (English):I would suggest students read for 15-20 minutes from their school library book chosen last week or from a book that they may have at home.


Posted: November 22, 2021

ReadingRead the selection 'C'est l'heure du déjeuner’ to a family member or aloud (to the best of your ability)

Math: Complete today's two worksheets on 'Probability'

Math test: Friday Nov. 26th  (Reading bar graphs and probability) 

Library books: A few students have overdue library books. Please ask your child to return any library books. Students aren't permitted to sign out new books if they have overdue books when we have our Thursday book exchange time

No school for students tomorrow, Friday Nov. 19th.  Pro-D Day for teachers.

Reading (English) Students are asked to read from their library book this long weekend.Students chose a new library book today.


ReadingRe-read the selection 'Les crêpes de Papa’ to a family member or aloud (to the best of your ability)

Math: Complete today's worksheet  on bar graphs (two graphs /two sets of questions)

Home Learning package: Tomorrow is the deadline to return written activities completed during Home Learning 

Library books: Please return all library books for tomorrow's book exchange time

Spiderman Surprise: A fun activity is planned for tomorrow, Nov. 18th. All items will be provided at school.

ReadingRe-read the selection 'Les crêpes de Papa’ to a family member or aloud (to the best of your ability)

Math: Complete the worksheet 'Reading Bar Graphs' (two pages)

Home Learning package: Please return all written activities completed during the Home Learning time

Spiderman Surprise: A fun activity is planned for Thursday, Nov. 18th. All items will be provided at school.
