Mr. Thompson

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: November 1, 2021

                       Home Learning: Nov. 1, 2021

French: Click on the attachment below to access the French activities.

Math: There are several activities in the home learning package that went home last month. Today, I am asking students to complete the assignment entitled ‘Measuring Length’.There are three separate parts to the ‘Measuring Length’ assignment to complete: Question 1 on the first page of the worksheet, and the activities ‘Practice’ and ‘Stretching Your Thinking’ on the second page of the worksheet. Measuring distance was introduced in class last week. If students would like to refresh their understanding of the concept they will find excellent review notes on the first page of the assignment or they could perhaps access the following on the internet:  Math Antics – Measuring Distance – Youtube.    The first four minutes of this ten-minute Math Youtube video explains the concept quite well.  Students should spend approximately 60 minutes on the Math assignments each day of home learning.

Art:  Students were provided with three watercolor projects (Landscapes, Flowers, Patterns) in the home learning package that went home last month. The package included: a watercolor paint set, two small paint brushes, instructions, and paper.  Students are asked to complete the Landscapes watercolor project this Wednesday Nov. 3rd if we are still in home learning. Students should spend approximately 60 minutes each Wednesday on the art activities.

Reading (English):  Students had their last library period on Thursday Oct. 29th. All students had an opportunity to sign out a new reading book. I would suggest that students read approximately 15-20 minutes per day from their library book or from a book that they may have at home for the duration of the home learning time.

Please contact me if your child experiences any problems/difficulties with these home learning assignments by replying to the e-mail that I sent to all parents on Friday Oct. 29th.

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Posted: October 29, 2021

Beginning on Monday November 1st, classes will go to HOME LEARNING.  HOME LEARNING will continue until schools reopen to students. We hope that isn't a long period of time.
Students have three subjects with Mr. Thompson: Art, Math and French.
Earlier this term, a home learning package was sent home with each student. It contains Math activities and  Art activities.  These activities include instructions and are quite straightforward. 
Beginning on Monday Nov. 1st and for the duration of HOME LEARNING, students will find daily assignments for French posted on my teacher page in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. These activities will include reading, writing, singing and speaking activities. Earlier this term, I presented a practice PowerPoint session so all students should be comfortable navigating the french lessons. Each french activity will indicate approximately how much time students should spend on the activity. It is very important that students complete all assignments to the best of their ability.
An e-mail was sent to each parent today to explain how to access the teacher page activities.  Please e-mail me with any questions that you have about the HOME LEARNING activities should your child experience problems.
P. Thompson

Posted: October 28, 2021

Reading: Re-read the selection 'Hallowe'en chez les jumeaux' (to a family member or aloud to the best of your ability)

Halloween treats: Students will each be given a packaged Halloween treat tomorrow. Home-made treats to share with classmates isn't permitted this year due to Covid restrictions.  Students will not be permitted to distribute home-made Halloween treats.

                                       Upcoming this week

 Friday Oct. 29:  Gas Fundraiser Grand Prize Draw! 

Friday Oct. 29th: Halloween Costume Parade (In Cafeteria)  & Spiderman visit!

Friday Oct. 29th: Gr. 3-5 Virtual Assembly

Posted: October 27, 2021

Reading: Re-read the selection 'Hallowe'en chez les jumeaux' (to a family member or aloud to the best of your ability)

                                       Upcoming this week

 Thursday Oct. 28: K-5 Haunted Walk (Forest Classroom)

 Friday Oct. 29:  Gas Fundraiser Grand Prize Draw! 

Friday Oct. 29th: Halloween Costume Parade (In Cafeteria)  & Spiderman visit!

Friday Oct. 29th: Gr. 3-5 Virtual Assembly

Posted: October 26, 2021

Reading: Re-read the selection 'Hallowe'en chez les jumeaux' (to a family member or aloud to the best of your ability)

Math: Complete #1, 3, 4, 5, 8 on the photocopy "Measuring Distance'

                                       Upcoming this week

Wednesday Oct. 27: Picture Retakes & Sibling Pics

 Thursday Oct. 28: K-5 Haunted Walk (Forest Classroom)

 Friday Oct. 29:  Gas Fundraiser Grand Prize Draw!   &   Halloween Costume Parade (In Cafeteria)

Reading: Read the selection 'Hallowe'en chez les jumeaux' (to a family member or aloud to the best of your ability)

Halloween Special Meal order form: A special order form went home today. Due back tomorrow, Oct. 26th.

Gas Ticket Fundraiser: All tickets and monies are now due.

                                       Upcoming this week

Wednesday Oct. 27: Picture Retakes & Sibling Pics


Thursday Oct. 28: K-5 Haunted Walk (Forest Classroom)


Friday Oct. 29:  Gas Fundraiser Grand Prize Draw!   &   Halloween Costume Parade (In Cafeteria)

Reading: Read the selection 'Hallowe'en chez les jumeaux' (to a family member or aloud to the best of your ability)

Gas Ticket Fundraiser: All tickets and monies are now due.

                                       Upcoming this week

Wednesday Oct. 27: Picture Retakes & Sibling Pics


Thursday Oct. 28: K-5 Haunted Walk (Forest Classroom)


Friday Oct. 29:  Gas Fundraiser Grand Prize Draw!   &   Halloween Costume Parade (In Cafeteria)

Posted: October 22, 2021

Math:  Test on Monday Oct. 25th : Equivalent fractions  (Thorough review was done on Friday Oct. 22nd )

Gas Ticket Fundraiser: All tickets and money are due on Monday Oct. 25th.

Math:  Test Monday Oct. 25th : Equivalent fractions  (Review day tomorrow )

Reading: Re-read "Julien et Maxime" to a family member or aloud (to the best of your ability) 

Gas Ticket Fundraiser: Please return all fully-sold booklets /money and all unsold booklets.   Partially sold booklets / money will be due over the next several days as campaign draws to an end soon.

PJ / Hat Day: Tomorrow is PJ/Hat Day.  ($1 for one item, $2 for both) Students are encouraged to participate.

Mexican SurpriseA special activity is planned for this Friday afternoon, Oct. 22nd. All items supplied at school

Math:  Equivalent fractions: Complete #1-4 on the photocopy assigned today (to the best of your ability)

Reading: Reread "Julien et Maxime" to a family member or aloud (to the best of your ability) 

Gas Ticket Fundraiser: Please return all fully-sold booklets /money and all unsold booklets.   Partially sold booklets / money will be due over the next several days as campaign draws to an end soon.

PJ / Hat Day: Friday Oct. 22nd is PJ/Hat Day.  ($1 for one item, $2 for both) Students are encouraged to participate.

 Library books: Students are reminded to return all library books for our library period tomorrow  Oct. 21st

Mexican SurpriseA special activity is planned for this Friday afternoon. All items supplied at school
