Mrs. Perry

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: May 14, 2013

All Classes- there will be no reading journal this week Wednesday, May 15- draft 2 of your story should be completed. Wednesday, May 22- Final copy of short story will be handed in.  It must be accompanied by two drafts (with evidence of editing and revising).  Final copy must be typed in 12 pt. font and be double spaced.     

Posted: May 9, 2013

All Classes- Journal entry number three due tomorrow.  15 mins. SSR 7A & 7B- get SS quiz signed 7A- make sure story number two is finished. Don't forget to bring in your mango fun run forms if you want to participate :)

Posted: May 6, 2013

LA- 15 mins. SSR/per night Journal Entry number three- due Friday, May 10. Minimum of ½ page in proper sentence and paragraph form.   During the last couple of weeks we have spent time trying to be active readers.  You have used post-it notes during reading classes to keep track of your thinking.  This week you will use one of those post-its for your journal entry.  Choose a note that sparks deeper thinking about the book, write the thought in your reader’s notebook, and reflect on it.  If you have any questions please see me before Friday.

Posted: April 29, 2013

7A & 7B - SS quiz on Wednesday on p. 76-81. Please remember that there is no school for students on Thursday and Friday this week.  Because of the short week, there will be no reading journal due this week.

Posted: April 25, 2013

All Classes: Reading journal number two is due tomorrow :)

Posted: April 22, 2013

** Green Team students are asked to return the permission slip for the theatre presentation by tomorrow.  If it has been misplaced, it is attached at the on this page.**   7A & 7L Journal entry number two is due on Friday (must be at least a 1/2 page):  2.       Are the characters realistic (do they seem like they could be real people)?Why or why not? Give examples.   7B- You should have your second story written for tomorrow (does not need to be edited yet).
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Posted: April 15, 2013

**Because we are going to the Theatre on Wednesday, all Green Team students NEED to bring a bagged lunch.  We will be eating during 4th period and the cafeteria will NOT be available to them!**** 7A LA- 15 mins. SSR.  Reading Journal due on Thursday (min. of 1/2 page).   Prompt for Journal- Give a brief summary of what is happening/ has happened in your reading. If you were the author, what would you have happening next? Explain.   SS- Scavenger Hunt and Think Sheet (#1 prediction only).   7B LA- 15 mins. SSR.  Reading Journal due on Thursday (min. of 1/2 page). Prompt for Journal- Give a brief summary of what is happening/ has happened in your reading. If you were the author,   what would you have happening next? Explain.   7L- 15 mins Reading  

Posted: April 8, 2013

7A & 7B Heritage Fair presentation and poster board due tomorrow.   Please bring in forms and money for the movie outing.

Posted: April 4, 2013

7A & 7B Heritage Fair Essay due Monday, April 8.  This includes the following: title page, good copy (typed), works cited, essay outline and two drafts. Heritage Fair presentation and poster due Tuesday, April 9.   Please remember that our Yearbooks are for sale by Pre-order:   We are also raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's.  Please feel free to send in a donation :) Lastly, the Green Team will be going to see a movie entitled Revolution on April 17.  Please return all money and forms to Mrs. Perry before April 15 (paperwork was sent home in the Report Card envelope, but is also attached here).
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Posted: March 22, 2013

Monday, Mar. 25- have all information put into your own words Tuesday, Mar. 26- have essay outline and draft for poster complete Thursday, Mar. 28- draft 1 of essay due Tuesday, Apr. 2- draft 1 edited Wednesday, Apr. 3- draft 2 of essay due Thursday, Apr. 4- draft 2 edited Monday, Apr. 8- EVERYTHING DUE!!!
