Mrs. Perry

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: January 11, 2013

7A 15 mins. SSR.  All students should have their perfect community write-up and their injustice write-up completely from class.  Reminder that your SS Scavenger Hunt Sheet and the prediction for question 1 of the Think Sheet is due for Monday.   7B 15 mins. SSR.  All students should have their perfect community write-up and their injustice write-up completely from class.    7L 15 mins. SSR.  All students should have their perfect community write-up and their injustice write-up completely from class.  Many students in this class did not get their essay from Mrs. D signed last night.  Please make sure it gets signed on the weekend.   Happy Friday!

Posted: January 10, 2013

7A 15 mins- SSR Finish your one paragraph write up on an injustice. Get your essay from Mrs. Donahue signed and your two social studies worksheets signed for tomorrow.   7B 15 mins- SSR   7L 15 mins- SSR Finish your 1 page write up on your perfect community. Get your essay from Mrs. Donahue signed.

Posted: January 9, 2013

All Classes:   15 Mins.- silent reading Finish Perfect Community Write-up- Describe for me a perfect community?  Who lives there?  What do people do?  Consider the following: school, work, families, laws, rules, finances ($$), health care, transportation, pastimes, etc.  (Minimum of one page single spaced).    7A- SS Finish purple Scavengur Hunt Sheet and the prediction for question 1 on the yellow Think Sheet.  

Posted: November 3, 2011

All Classes LA- 15 mins- SSR.  Please note that the last day for AR for term one is Nov. 18. Final Copy of Persuasive Piece is due on Nov. 9.  Your Writing Workshop duotang is also due on the 9th. SS- chapter one test on Thursday, Nov. 10 (study guide is attached)
Microsoft Office document icon review_for_ss_test_ch._1.doc23.5 KB

Posted: October 3, 2011

7A LA- 15 mins. SSR Finish Persuasion Map for second "itch" topic SS- Myself in 15 Years project due on Wednesday.   7B LA- 15 mins. SSR SS- Myself in 15 Years project due on Thursday.   7C LA- 15 mins. SSR

Posted: September 29, 2011

7A LA- 15 mins. SSR.  Finish writing first persuasive topic (draft 1) SS- work on Myself in 15 Years Project- due Oct. 5, 2011   7B LA- 15 mins. SSR SS- work on Myself in 15 Years Project- due Oct. 6, 2011   7C LA- 15 mins. SSR.  Finish reading the Rick Hansen Article.

Posted: September 26, 2011

LA- 15 mins. SSR Finish Brainstorming your "Itch" ** Book order due tomorrow **   7A- Social Studies Get Yellow Sheet signed  (attached if you need it) ** Bring in old magazines **        
Microsoft Office document icon myself_in_15_years.doc24.5 KB

Posted: June 3, 2011

7A- SS quiz on Monday p. 108-116   All classes: AR deadline is June 13. Ch. 6 SS test on Wednesday, June 8 (p. 99-116). LA- draft two of story needs to be completed and edited for Monday.  Writing Workshop Duotang and final copy due Thursday (June 9) (must have two drafts handed in with final copy).   Camp Sheldrake on Friday June 10!!!! Parent chaperones welcome.  Call me at the school- 627-4088 if interested!

Posted: May 30, 2011

Any students who have not turned in their Camp Sheldrake forms need to do so ASAP.   AR deadline is June 13.   All stories and writing workshop duotang will be due on June 9.
