Posted: February 28, 2025
Mrs. Perry Notes
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Posted: February 21, 2025
Posted: February 7, 2025
Posted: February 5, 2025
Kinds of Empowerment
Introduction:There are five main kinds of Empowerment: economic, political, societal, cultural, and national.
•Economic empowerment comes from having enough wealth to take care of your needs.
•Political empowerment comes from having a say in how things are organized and how decisions are made.
•Cultural empowerment comes from being free to practice your culture.
•Societal empowerment comes from all members of society being treated fairly and equally.
•National empowerment comes from a nation having the power to make decisions for itself.
Conclusion: All these kinds of empowerment work together and influence each other.
Disempowerment-is when people believe that they have little or no control over their lives. They feel they have little or no power to change things and if they try they will be treated more unfairly.
Economic Disempowerment might happen if you did not get the education you need to get a good job.
Political disempowerment might happen if you did not have the right to vote.
Posted: November 14, 2024
Posted: October 28, 2024
Posted: October 22, 2024
Student Vote Results:
General Election Results: New Brunswick election 2024 live results | CBC News
Posted: October 1, 2024
Posted: September 23, 2024
Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 6pm.
Posted: September 23, 2024
Posted: October 12, 2018
6P- 15 minutes of reading/night. Reading journal 1 is due on Monday. Please see the attached assignment and teacher sample.
6L- 15 minutes of reading/night. Reading jounal 1 is due on Tuesday, Oct. 16. Please see the attached assignment and teacher sample.
6E- 15 minutes of reading/night and make sure you keep track of your connections. Finish first four paragraphs of your persuasive essay.
7E- 15 minutes of reading/night. Please get reading journal 1 signed.
Posted: April 23, 2018
7P, 7B, and 8M each have a reading journal due on Thursday, April 26, 2018.
Grade 7 Prompt- Give a brief summary of what is happening in your novel. Make a predication about what you think will happen next. What evidence from the book supports that prediction?
Grade 8 Prompt- Think about a decision that one of the characters in your novel has made. Explain the decision to me (give me enough background information to be able to understand). What did that decision teach you about that character?
Please see samples below.
Posted: April 12, 2018
Attention MAA students, staff, and parents: next week (April 16-20) is spirit week and the coveted Golden Antlers are back up for grabs! Please find below the schedule for the week:
-Monday, April 16- Blue & Gold Day- students can sport their MAA colours with pride.
-Tuesday, April 17- PJ day- students can come to school in their pajamas.
-Wednesday, April 18- Look alike day- students choose a partner or group to dress the same as.
- Thursday, April 19-Fun in the Sun-students welcome spring with their coolest tropical attire.
- Friday, April 20- Flashback Friday-students come to school dressed in their favorite clothing from the ‘70s, ‘80s or ‘90s.
Posted: February 15, 2018
For those students who didn't finish their reading comprehension activity today, here are the final two questions:
Please answer on looseleaf in proper sentence form J
An inference is a conclusion drawn from evidence. A plausible inference is supported by evidence in the article and is consistent with known facts outside of the article.
What inference(s) can you draw from the fact that the IOC has ruled that Russia may not field an official team at the PyeongChang Games because the Russian government supported widespread use of banned, performance-enhancing substances during the last Winter Games?
The estimated cost of these Games is $13 billion (US) – far less than the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, which were the most expensive ever at over $50 billion (US). Still, $13 billion is a huge amount of money!
As you see it, are the Olympic Games worth the cost? Give reasons to support your response.
Posted: February 9, 2018
Monday- bobsleigh- Connor & Liam (bring a helmet). Snowball Bowling- Katie, Lexie, Ashley, & Jenna. tug of war- Full team.
Tuesday- curling- Austin, Camille, Katie & Josie. Snowshoe Race- Liam, Jenna, Lexie. Scavenger Race- Travis, Katherine, Gracie, Ashley.
Wednesday- Skeleton- Camille. Biathalon- Liam, Lexie, Katherine, Jenna. Shoot the Puck- Travis.
Thursday- Floor hockey- full team
Friday- Combined relay- full team
***Be prepared to go outside each day! Dress appropriately!***