Mrs. Stewart

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: February 6, 2019

8P2 - Due:  February 11th, Monday

8E - Due:  February 13th, Wednesday

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Students have been working in class on our final Novel Study Projects on Gary Paulsen's, Hatchet.  They are due by the end of class on Wednesday, February 13th. 

They are to choose from a number of differentiated projects, worth 1, 2, 3 or 4 points, that add up to 5.  Assigment is attached.  If a skit or commercial is one of the chosen projects, they will be presented (or viewed, if filmed) on Tuesday, the 19th of February.

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Posted: December 10, 2018

8P2 - Book Talks are due on Monday, Dec. 17th.  See attacted assignment for details.  Students have been working in class and can bring home flashdrives or Reader's Notebooks to finish.

8E - Book Talks are due on Tuesday, Dec. 18th.  See attacted assignment for details.  Students have been working in class and can bring home flashdrives or Reader's Notebooks to finish.

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Posted: October 23, 2018

Due Date: Monday, Nov. 5th

Please see prompt and mentor text attached below.

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Posted: October 18, 2018

A Powerpoint presentation is being prepared by 8P1 and 8P2.  It is on microorganisms, ecosystems and biomes.  All work has been done in class.  The next step is planning, designing, building, redesigning and rebuilding, miniature ecosystmes.  Due dates, project guidelines and a rubric is posted.

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Posted: October 16, 2018

8P2 has their second Reading Journal due this Friday, Oct. 19th.  It must be compete by the end of class.  Teacher mentor text is provided.


8E Reading Journal #2 has not been assigned yet.

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Posted: October 9, 2018

8P2 - Final copies of our memoirs are due this Thursday, Oct. 11th at the end of writing class.

8E - Final copies of our memoirs are due this Monday, Oct. 22nd at the end of writing class.

Students have created the rubric for this assignment and it is posted. 

Posted: September 20, 2018

8P2 - Reading Journal #1 is due Friday, Sept. 21st.  Students will have had three, 20 min. class sessions to draft, edit, revise and complete this journal.  If not completed in class, it should be brought home.

8E - Reading Journal #1 is due Tuesday, Sept. 25th.  Students will have had three, 20 min. class sessions to draft, edit, revise and complete this journal.  If not completed in class, it should be brought home.

Rubrics are in Reading Jouranls.   

Posted: September 10, 2018

Welcome back everyone! 

8E and 8P2 should all have a reading book by now and must read 20 -30 minutes at home each evening. 

We have started our first oral novel study on Ruth Minsky-Sender's The Cage.  Students are encouraged to discuss what we are reading at home by asking questions and making connections/predictions about our book.   

Students have chosen their favorite genre of poetry to work with and completed a final poem for our poetry/lyric unit.  They are to find a way to artistically represent their poems for our showcase on Wednesday, May 18th.  This will happen first period (8:35 - 9:25) in the common room.  Classes, parents, staff and administration are welcome to view our Poetry Pavilion.   

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Novel Study Project