Ms. A. Barrieau

Messages from Ms Barrieau, Grade 6 FI Math and Science


Grade 7: Ch 3 Fractions and decimals, Revision of revision, Quiz Thursday. 

Grade 8: New Concept Ch 3. See new control sheet. 

Collab/Science: Eclipse project. Narrow down research question, complete research, choose project. See project outline on this page.  

Sliding and Snowshoeing for PE, bring proper attire!

Cross Country Skiing Schedule:


Sorry for the lack of post last week! We were busy celebrating some amazing student work via our expo. See video here: 


Grade 7: Ch 3 Fractions and decimals, Control sheet and text pages distributed, Quiz revision distributed. Test corrections for last concept due. Sign this test too.

Grade 8: Pythagoran Theorem, Test Wednesday. Test corrections for last concept due. Sign this test too.

Collab/Science: Continue study of eclipse.  

Snowshoeing for PE, bring proper attire!


Grade 7: New concept, Ch 3 Fractions and decimals, Control sheet and text pages distributed

Grade 8: Square Roots Ch6, Revision to be distributed this week for this concept

See text practice numbers from distributed control sheet.

Collab- Classroom Expo for 7E, Wednesday, Jan 31st. School Expo February 7th

Practice talking about 5 project components.

Sliding for PE, bring proper attire!


Grade 7: Equations and graphing, Ch 1, PR2, Test Wednesday

Grade 8: New concept, Square Roots Ch6, Test Wednesday

See text practice numbers from distributed control sheet.

Collab- Classroom Expo for 7E, Wednesday, Jan 31st. School Expo February 7th

Practice talking about 5 project components

Skating Thursday for 7E.

Sliding for PE, bring proper attire!


Grade 7: Equations and graphing, Ch 1, PR2, Test revision distributed, Test Monday. Jan 22nd

Grade 8: New concept, Square Roots Ch6, Test Revision Distributed, Test Friday, Jan 19th

See text practice numbers from distributed control sheet.


Continue working on 5 project components, Expo February 7th 

Below: Dryden, Quincy and Camden completing the action part of their Changemakers project...visiting my dear grandmother! She loved the visit, cards, cookies and flowers!



Grade 7: Equations and graphing, Ch 1, PR2

Grade 8: New concept, Square Roots Ch6

See text practice from distributed control sheet (and pic below).


Continue working on 5 project components, Expo February 7th 

Sign New 2-3pm Activity Sheet by Friday

New Skating Schedule Below: 


Fun stuff: Skating, Bball Game, Holiday Play, Talent Show, Spirit Week!


Grade 7: Equations, Test Revision and (hopefully) test this week 

 Grade 8: Homework Check, Tests Returned, Test Corrections

Collab: MAA Changemakers, Weekly Reflection 4 & 5 due (on Teams for 7E), continue working on 5 project components. 

Joyeux Noel, mes amis!


Grade 7: Equations, p8 #1,3,6,7, p12 #1,3,4,5,8, p18 #1,3-9, Feuilles Machines Entrée- Sortie

 Grade 8: Patterns and Relations and graphing: Continue text practice (see control sheet in duotangs, p356, p363, p371); Test Revision, Homework check and test Wednesday

Collab: MAA Changemakers, Weekly Reflection 4 & 5 due this week (on Teams for 7E), continue working on 5 project components. Complete grant application, if applicable.

7E will walk to the food bank on Wednesday. Please wear proper winter clothing and bring change for a stop at Tim's on the way back. :) 


Image Galleries

Added: Mon, May 13 2024


Added: Sun, Jan 8 2023


Energy Student Outline- Career Paths in the Game of Life
Packette Hack-o-ween STEM Barrieau
STEM Term 3 Checklist for Students