Mme. Comeau

Bienvenue à la 3e année! 2022-2023

Posted: November 7, 2017


Thu, Nov 16/17 8:50 am

Grade 1 classes will be skating at the Miramichi Civic Center Thursday, November 16th from 8:50 - 10:00am

Posted: November 7, 2017


Tue, Dec 12/17 9:00 am

Our K-2 Christmas Concert will be held Tuesday, December 12th at 9am in the gym.

(3-5 concert will be the following day. Same time, same place.)
*Thursday will be the strom day if either concert is cancelled.

Posted: October 30, 2017

Our Halloween song

This is the song we will perform Halloween morning, along with Mme Giouard's grade 1 class and M. Thompson's grade 4.

Posted: October 30, 2017

Just a note to remind parents/students that:

Tomorrow morning students are to arrive in their costumes ready for the parade/assembly.
Parents are welcome to watch as the classes parade around in their costumes and perform Halloween themed songs :) 

If your child wishes to bring treats in for their classmates, we will be listening to halloween songs and eating a couple treats around 1pm.
Remember we are a NUT FREE school!


Posted: October 30, 2017


Tue, Oct 31/17 8:45 am

Students will parade around the gym in their costumes, as well we are singing a Halloween song!

Posted: October 19, 2017

Students brought hom a new book to read tonight. "Voici..." is a short book that focuses on the "i" sound. (pronounced like the letter E in the english word 'sheep')
We have read this book in class a few times and many were reading it independently today!

Also a reminder for:
 - Skating forms (Check Yes or No, if your child has/does not have skates and a helmet. If they want to see if the school has their size to borrow, please indicate size needed)
 - October 25th (Wednesday) is another early dismissal day. Students will be going home at 11:30am. A form was sent home yesterday to ensure we have accurate information about where to send your child that day. Please return it as soon as possible.

Have a great weekend!

Student's reminder: "Treat other people the way you want to be treated!" 

Due Date: 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Posted: October 18, 2017

Class photos (as a group) will take place tomorrow.

Also retakes and sibling photos are tomorrow!

Bring your best smile! :)

Posted: October 16, 2017

Credit Union School Account forms are due back tomorrow (Oct. 17th)
 - Students who open an account will make their first deposits on the 19th, here at school.

Posted: October 10, 2017

Tonight students should have brought home their little paper 'book' called "Maria".
 - I asked them to read this book for homework. (They have read it multiple times in class and have heard me read it multiple times as well.)
 - This is our first book they've read themselves. (if they struggle, no worries. The purpose of the book is to become familiar with the "Aa" sound.)

 - October book orders are due this week!
 - Picture orders & monies are due tomorrow!
 - School Fundraiser orders & monies are due tomorrow!


Posted: October 6, 2017

This week we...
- increased our number work from 0-10 to 0-20. (Counting forward, recognizing he numbers individually, and we are working on counting backwards.)
- Really focused on the "Aa" sound as in 'Maria'
     +We sang songs and read books that focused on the "a" sound
     + YES they read their first French book on their own!! "Maria" is a very short repetetive book with a focus on the sound 'a'. 
     + Some chose to bring the small paper book home to read this weekend, but it was not homework. They are doing awesome!
- We reviewed all sentence structures to date:
     + Je m'appelle... Il/Elle s'appelle...Comment t'appelle-tu?
     + La date aujourd'hui...
     + Le météo (weather of the day)
     + J'aime/Je n'aime pas...
     + Quel age as-tu? J'ai __ ans.
- We worked on begining sounds of French words (many consonants have similar sounds to English)
- The alphabet
- The 4 seasons
- Thanksgiving "Action de grace"
- "Merci", "S'il vous plait" (Thank you, Please)
- And many classroom routines are still being practiced (Volume level when in class, how to actively listen (with whole body & mind),lining up, walking through the halls, etc...)  


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Added: Thu, Jan 27 2022