Mme. Comeau

Bienvenue à la 3e année! 2022-2023

Posted: October 18, 2017

Class photos (as a group) will take place tomorrow.

Also retakes and sibling photos are tomorrow!

Bring your best smile! :)

Posted: October 16, 2017

Credit Union School Account forms are due back tomorrow (Oct. 17th)
 - Students who open an account will make their first deposits on the 19th, here at school.

Posted: October 10, 2017

Tonight students should have brought home their little paper 'book' called "Maria".
 - I asked them to read this book for homework. (They have read it multiple times in class and have heard me read it multiple times as well.)
 - This is our first book they've read themselves. (if they struggle, no worries. The purpose of the book is to become familiar with the "Aa" sound.)

 - October book orders are due this week!
 - Picture orders & monies are due tomorrow!
 - School Fundraiser orders & monies are due tomorrow!


Posted: October 6, 2017

This week we...
- increased our number work from 0-10 to 0-20. (Counting forward, recognizing he numbers individually, and we are working on counting backwards.)
- Really focused on the "Aa" sound as in 'Maria'
     +We sang songs and read books that focused on the "a" sound
     + YES they read their first French book on their own!! "Maria" is a very short repetetive book with a focus on the sound 'a'. 
     + Some chose to bring the small paper book home to read this weekend, but it was not homework. They are doing awesome!
- We reviewed all sentence structures to date:
     + Je m'appelle... Il/Elle s'appelle...Comment t'appelle-tu?
     + La date aujourd'hui...
     + Le météo (weather of the day)
     + J'aime/Je n'aime pas...
     + Quel age as-tu? J'ai __ ans.
- We worked on begining sounds of French words (many consonants have similar sounds to English)
- The alphabet
- The 4 seasons
- Thanksgiving "Action de grace"
- "Merci", "S'il vous plait" (Thank you, Please)
- And many classroom routines are still being practiced (Volume level when in class, how to actively listen (with whole body & mind),lining up, walking through the halls, etc...)  

Posted: October 6, 2017


Wed, Oct 11/17 2:00 pm

Our yearly fundraiser help us offer field trips and other fun activities to our students.
All orders are due back Wednesday October 11, 2017.
Thanks for your support.

Posted: October 6, 2017


Wed, Oct 11/17 8:45 am

If you'd like to order a photo package of your child, please have the envelope with cheque or money returned by Wednesday Oct. 11/17
If you'd like your child to do retakes, please write RETAKES on envelope and return it as well. (Retakes are Oct. 19th)

Posted: October 6, 2017


Wed, Oct 11/17 3:00 pm

Please have all order forms for book orders in by the end of the school day.

Posted: October 4, 2017

Today the book order for October was sent home with students.
Orders are due back the 11th of October (same day pictures are due back, to make it easier)

If you choose to order something from any of the book order forms, follow these steps:
1. Fill out the order form at the back of the flyer you'd like to order from (or multiple flyers)
   *Note - the prices are in the last column for NB residents
2. Choose how you would like to pay for your child's book(s)
     a) Online at (instructions are at the top of the order form)
     b) Send the exact change to school with your child
     c) Send a cheque payable to "Scholastic Canada"

Posted: October 2, 2017

Max Aitken is participating a food drive for Thanksgiving weekend!
We have a friendly competition going, as well, to see which class can bring in the most donations for the Miramichi Food Bank.
Thursday, October 5, 2017 we will have some special guests in to see how much we've gathered for the Food Bank.
**Please send in any donations you can spare for the Food Bank this week!**

95.9 sun fm posted that the Food Bank is looking for the following items: (but anything you have will be appreciated as well!)
- Baby food, cereal, oatmeal, canned fish & meat, beans & molasses, chunky & Cream soups, canned tomatoes & sauce, peanut butter & jam, Canned & powdered milk, Canned fruits & vegetables, Soda crackers, Jello, Tea & Coffee, Detergents & Soaps, personal care items.


We have so much to be thankful for!

Posted: September 21, 2017

Song: French alphabet practice

Here is another fun song we dance to in class to practice the French alphabet!


Image Galleries


Added: Thu, Jan 27 2022