Mrs. Richardson Notes

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Posted: December 9, 2014

Students will be skating on Friday December 12th from 10:15-11:45  (students will need skates and helmet to come skating) If your child can't skate, please send us a writen note prior to the skating date, as we will need to prepare for students staying back. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 627-4088 or by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caParent notice was sent home today in regards to our TEAM POTLUCK, it will be on Thursday December 18th. Please send the notice back to homeroom teachers ASAP ( no later then Monday December 15th).Fundraising tickets have been sent home today, we are asking that all tickets and money be returned ( sold or not sold) by Friday December 12th. Each student has been asked to try and sell 1 booklet ( there are 10 tickets per booklet). All money raised will help in planning activities/field trips, we have also included a pink sheet with all items which can be found in the basket.The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Jansen Blacquier for being Student of the Month for November!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Logan Dunfield and Bailey Henderson or being Students of the Week ( December 1st-5th 2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour le grand test d'ortho semaine #5-8  mercredi le 10 décembre, 2014. (***If storm day, it will be Thursday December 11th, 2012).Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.).FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.). Etudier  pour grand test d'ortho semaine #5-8  mercredi le 10décembre, 2014( Spelling test will be Wednesday December 10th,  2014. ****If there is a storm, the test will be Thursday December 11th). 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Students are working on good copy of a map from their house to school in class. 6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Students are working on a draft of a map from their house to school in class. Drafts need to be completed by next class!

Posted: December 8, 2014

Students will be skating on Friday December 12th from 8:30-9:55  (students will need skates and helmet to come skating) If your child can't skate, please send us a writen note prior to the skating date, as we will need to prepare for students staying back. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 627-4088 or by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caAre you looking for great gift ideas for your child/children for Christmas? Why not give the gift of reading? We can sent up private orders and payment, so your child/children will not know before Christmas, please feel free to contact me by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.cafor further information. December book orders have been sent home, they are to be returned by December 9th, 2014.Fundraising tickets have been sent home today, we are asking that all tickets and money be returned ( sold or not sold) by Friday December 12th. Each student has been asked to try and sell 1 booklet ( there are 10 tickets per booklet). All money raised will help in planning activities/field trips, we have also included a pink sheet with all items which can be found in the basket.The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Jansen Blacquier for being Student of the Month for November!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Logan Dunfield and Bailey Henderson or being Students of the Week ( December 1st-5th 2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour le grand test d'ortho semaine #5-8  mercredi le 10 décembre, 2014.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.).FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.). Etudier  pour grand test d'ortho semaine #5-8  mercredi le 10décembre, 2014( Spelling test will be Wednesday December 10th,  2014.). 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Students are working on good copy of a map from their house to school in class. 6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Students are working on a draft of a map from their house to school in class. Drafts need to be completed by next class!

Posted: December 5, 2014

Students will be skating on Friday December 12th from 8:30-9:55  (students will need skates and helmet to come skating) If your child can't skate, please send us a writen note prior to the skating date, as we will need to prepare for students staying back.  Thank you! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 627-4088 or by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caAre you looking for great gift ideas for your child/children for Christmas? Why not give the gift of reading? We can sent up private orders and payment, so your child/children will not know before Christmas, please feel free to contact me by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.cafor further information. December book orders have been sent home, they are to be returned by December 9th, 2014.Fundraising tickets have been sent home today, we are asking that all tickets and money be returned ( sold or not sold) by Friday December 12th. Each student has been asked to try and sell 1 booklet ( there are 10 tickets per booklet). All money raised will help in planning activities/field trips, we have also included a pink sheet with all items which can be found in the basket.The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Jansen Blacquier for being Student of the Month for November!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Logan Dunfield and Bailey Henderson or being Students of the Week ( December 1st-5th 2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour le grand test d'ortho semaine #5-8  mercredi le 10 décembre, 2014.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.).Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz vendredi le 5 décembre, 2014.FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.). Etudier  pour grand test d'ortho semaine #5-8  mercredi le 10décembre, 2014( Spelling test will be Wednesday December 10th,  2014.).Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz vendredi le 5 décembre, 2014. 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Students are working on good copy of a map from their house to school in class. 6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Students are working on a draft of a map from their house to school in class.

Posted: December 4, 2014

Students will be skating on Friday December 12th from 8:30-9:55  (students will need skates and helmet to come skating) If your child can't skate, please send us a writen note prior to the skating date, as we will need to prepare for students staying back.  Thank you! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 627-4088 or by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caAre you looking for great gift ideas for your child/children for Christmas? Why not give the gift of reading? We can sent up private orders and payment, so your child/children will not know before Christmas, please feel free to contact me by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.cafor further information. December book orders have been sent home, they are to be returned by December 9th, 2014.Fundraising tickets have been sent home today, we are asking that all tickets and money be returned ( sold or not sold) by Friday December 12th. Each student has been asked to try and sell 1 booklet ( there are 10 tickets per booklet). All money raised will help in planning activities/field trips, we have also included a pink sheet with all items which can be found in the basket.The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Jansen Blacquier for being Student of the Month for November!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Ashton Larocque and Gillian Kennedy for being Students of the Week ( November 24th-28th  2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour le grand test d'ortho semaine #5-8  mercredi le 10 décembre, 2014.Faire signer Quiz d'ortho #8.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.).Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz vendredi le 5 décembre, 2014.FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.). Etudier  pour grand test d'ortho semaine #5-8  mercredi le 10décembre, 2014( Spelling test will be Wednesday December 10th,  2014.).Faire signer Quiz d'ortho #8Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz vendredi le 5 décembre, 2014. 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Students are working on a draft of a map from their house to school in class. Draft must be completed for next Social Studies class.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Students are working on a draft of a map from their house to school in class.

Posted: December 3, 2014

Harkins Middle School Christmas Family Night will be tomorrow Wednesday December 3rd, 2014 from 6-7pm. There will be a bake sale (Home and School), caroling, displays of student work, hot chocolate etc.... Free admission and everyone is welcomed to attend :-)Students will be skating on Friday December 12th from 8:30-9:55  (students will need skates and helmet to come skating) If your child can't skate, please send us a writen note prior to the skating date, as we will need to prepare for students staying back.  Thank you! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 627-4088 or by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caAre you looking for great gift ideas for your child/children for Christmas? Why not give the gift of reading? We can sent up private orders and payment, so your child/children will not know before Christmas, please feel free to contact me by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.cafor further information. December book orders have been sent home, they are to be returned by December 9th, 2014.Fundraising tickets have been sent home today, we are asking that all tickets and money be returned ( sold or not sold) by Friday December 12th. Each student has been asked to try and sell 1 booklet ( there are 10 tickets per booklet). All money raised will help in planning activities/field trips, we have also included a pink sheet with all items which can be found in the basket.The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Jansen Blacquier for being Student of the Month for November!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Ashton Larocque and Gillian Kennedy for being Students of the Week ( November 24th-28th  2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour le grand test d'ortho semaine #5-8  mercredi le 10 décembre, 2014.Faire signer Quiz d'ortho #8.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.).Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz vendredi le 5 décembre, 2014.FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.). Etudier  pour grand test d'ortho semaine #5-8  mercredi le 10décembre, 2014( Spelling test will be Wednesday December 10th,  2014.).Faire signer Quiz d'ortho #8Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz vendredi le 5 décembre, 2014.Les mots d'orthographe de la semaine #81. sortir                      6. prépare2. venir                      7. pour3. oiseau                    8. découpe4. trouver                    9. locomotive5. demande              10. visiter 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Students are working on a draft of a map from their house to school in class.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Students are working on a draft of a map from their house to school in class.

Posted: December 2, 2014

Harkins Middle School Christmas Family Night will be tomorrow Wednesday December 3rd, 2014 from 6-7pm. There will be a bake sale (Home and School), caroling, displays of student work, hot chocolate etc.... Free admission and everyone is welcomed to attend :-)Students will be skating on Friday December 12th from 8:30-9:55  (students will need skates and helmet to come skating) If your child can't skate, please send us a writen note prior to the skating date, as we will need to prepare for students staying back.  Thank you! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 627-4088 or by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caAre you looking for great gift ideas for your child/children for Christmas? Why not give the gift of reading? We can sent up private orders and payment, so your child/children will not know before Christmas, please feel free to contact me by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.cafor further information. December book orders have been sent home, they are to be returned by December 9th, 2014.The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Jansen Blacquier for being Student of the Month for November!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Liam Kingston and Tristan DesRoches for being Students of the Week ( November 17th-20th  2014). Way to Go !!!!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Ashton Larocque and Gillian Kennedy for being Students of the Week ( November 24th-28th  2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour Quiz d'orthographe #8, mercredi le 3 décembre, 2014 + 10 phrases.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.).Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz vendredi le 5 décembre, 2014.FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.). Etudier les mots d'orthographe semaine #8,  quiz va être mercredi le 3 décembre, 2014( Spelling test will be Wednesday December 3rd,  2014.)Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz vendredi le 5 décembre, 2014.Les mots d'orthographe de la semaine #81. sortir                      6. prépare2. venir                      7. pour3. oiseau                    8. découpe4. trouver                    9. locomotive5. denmande              10. visiter 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.

Posted: November 28, 2014

Students will be skating on Friday December 12th from 8:30-9:55  (students will need skates and helmet to come skating) If your child can't skate, please send us a writen note prior to the skating date, as we will need to prepare for students staying back.  Thank you! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 627-4088 or by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caAre you looking for great gift ideas for your child/children for Christmas? Why not give the gift of reading? We can sent up private orders and payment, so your child/children will not know before Christmas, please feel free to contact me by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.cafor further information. December book orders have been sent home, they are to be returned by December 9th, 2014.The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Jansen Blacquier for being Student of the Month for November!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Liam Kingston and Tristan DesRoches for being Students of the Week ( November 17th-20th  2014). Way to Go !!!!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Ashton Larocque and Gillian Kennedy for being Students of the Week ( November 24th-28th  2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour Quiz d'orthographe #8, mercredi le 3 décembre, 2014 + 10 phrases.Faire signer Quiz dorthographe #7Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.).Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz bientot ( there will be a quiz coming soon).FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.). Etudier les mots d'orthographe semaine #8,  quiz va être mercredi le 3 décembre, 2014( Spelling test will be Wednesday December 3rd,  2014.)Faire signer Quiz d'ortho 37Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz bientot ( there will be a quiz coming soon).Les mots d'orthographe de la semaine #81. sortir                      6. prépare2. venir                      7. pour3. oiseau                    8. découpe4. trouver                    9. locomotive5. denmande              10. visiter 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/ drawing for Canadian the end of November 2014. ****This was due today! I will accept final work no later then Monday December 1st, 2014.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/drawing for Canadian the end of November 2014. ****This was due today! I will accept work no later then Monday December 1st, 2014.

Posted: November 26, 2014

Students will be skating on Friday December 12th from 8:30-9:55  (students will need skates and helmet to come skating) If your child can't skate, please send us a writen note prior to the skating date, as we will need to prepare for students staying back. Thank you! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 627-4088 or by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caAre you looking for great gift ideas for your child/children for Christmas? Why not give the gift of reading? We can sent up private orders and payment, so your child/children will not know before Christmas, please feel free to contact me by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.cafor further information. December book orders have been sent home, they are to be returned by December 9th, 2014. NEW Notice: explaining our Purple Team upcoming fundraiser. The due date for donations is this Friday November,  28th, we have not received many donations at this time. If we don't receive enough donations, we will have to cancel our fundraiser. Thank you to those who have already contributed towards our fundraiser, it's greatly appreciated!.The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Evan Valanne for being Student of the Month for October!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Kohl Matthews and Claire Morrison for being Students of the Week ( November 10th-14th  2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour Quiz d'orthographe #8, mercredi le 3 décembre, 2014 + 10 phrases.Faire signer Quiz dorthographe #7Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.).Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz bientot ( there will be a quiz coming soon).FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.). Etudier les mots d'orthographe semaine #8,  quiz va être mercredi le 3 décembre, 2014( Spelling test will be Wednesday December 3rd,  2014.)Faire signer Quiz d'ortho 37Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz bientot ( there will be a quiz coming soon).Les mots d'orthographe de la semaine #81. sortir                      6. prépare2. venir                      7. pour3. oiseau                    8. découpe4. trouver                    9. locomotive5. denmande              10. visiter 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/ drawing for Canadian the end of November 2014.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/drawing for Canadian the end of November 2014.

Posted: November 25, 2014

Students will be skating on Friday December 12th from 8:30-9:55  ( students will need skates and helmet to come skating) If your child can't skate, please send us a writen note prior to the skating date, as we will need to prepare for students staying back. Thank you! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 627-4088 or by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caAre you looking for great gift ideas for your child/children for Christmas? Why not give the gift of reading? Next month's there are 5 different book orders to choose from + those coming in December. We can sent up private orders and payment, so your child/children will not know before Christmas, please feel free to contact me by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.cafor further information. December book orders have been sent home, they are to be returned by December 9th, 2014. NEW Notice: explaining our Purple Team upcoming fundraiser. The due date for donations is this Friday November,  28th, we have not received many donations at this time. If we don't receive enough donations, we will have to cancel our fundraiser. Thank you to those who have already contributed towards our fundraiser, it's greatly appreciated!.The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Evan Valanne for being Student of the Month for October!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Kohl Matthews and Claire Morrison for being Students of the Week ( November 10th-14th  2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour Quiz d'orthographe #7, mercredi le 26 novembre, 2014 + 10 phrases.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.).Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz bientot ( there will be a quiz coming soon).FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Livret de Noel et l'Hiver due le 18 décembre, 2014. ( Students should only be working 10 minutes at night on their booklet, also if they work on it during Student Enhancement this counts as homework at night.). Etudier les mots d'orthographe semaine #7 ,  quiz va être mercredi le 26 novembre, 2014 d'ortho. ( Spelling test will be WednesdayNovember 26th, 2014.)Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz bientot ( there will be a quiz coming soon).Les mots d'orthographe de la semaine #71. table                       6. éléphant2. ferme                      7. deux3. presque                   8. combien4. inviter                      9. homme5. manger                   10. femme 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/ drawing for Canadian the end of November 2014.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/drawing for Canadian the end of November 2014.

Posted: November 24, 2014

Students will be skating on Friday December 12th from 8:30-9:55  ( students will need skates and helmet to come skating) If your child can't skate, please send us a writen note prior to the skating date, as we will need to prepare for students staying back. Thank you! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 627-4088 or by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caAre you looking for great gift ideas for your child/children for Christmas? Why not give the gift of reading? Next month's there are 5 different book orders to choose from + those coming in December. We can sent up private orders and payment, so your child/children will not know before Christmas, please feel free to contact me by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.cafor further information. December book orders have been sent home, they are to be returned by December 9th, 2014. NEW Notice: explaining our Purple Team upcoming fundraiser. The due date for donations is this Friday November,  28th, we have not received many donations at this time. If we don't receive enough donations, we will have to cancel our fundraiser. Thank you to those who have already contributed towards our fundraiser, it's greatly appreciated!.The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Evan Valanne for being Student of the Month for October!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Kohl Matthews and Claire Morrisonfor being Students of the Week ( November 10th-14th  2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour Quiz d'orthographe #7, mercredi le 26 novembre, 2014 + 10 phrases.Faire signer Quiz d'ortho #6Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz bientot ( there will be a quiz coming soon).FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also. Etudier les mots d'orthographe semaine #7 ,  quiz va être mercredi le 26 novembre, 2014 d'ortho. ( Spelling test will be WednesdayNovember 26th, 2014.)Etudier ( Review)- majuscule (capitalization rules) + les 4 types de phrases( 4 types of sentences). Il va avoir un quiz bientot ( there will be a quiz coming soon).Les mots d'orthographe de la semaine #71. table                       6. éléphant2. ferme                      7. deux3. presque                   8. combien4. inviter                      9. homme5. manger                   10. femme 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/ drawing for Canadian the end of November 2014.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/drawing for Canadian the end of November 2014.

Posted: November 20, 2014

Are you looking for great gift ideas for your child/children for Christmas? Why not give the gift of reading? Next month's there are 5 different book orders to choose from + those coming in December. We can sent up private orders and payment, so your child/children will not know before Christmas, please feel free to contact me by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.cafor further information.REPORT CARD: Have been sent home, please review it with your son/ daughter. After reviewing the report, sign the front of the report card envelop on the label, there is also space to add a comment if you wish, return to homeroom teacher ASAP. Inside the envelop you will also find a pink notice: this is explaining our Purple Team upcoming fundraiser. the  yellow slip is a notice of our parent-teacher schedule and if we require your presence. Even if we have not requested your presence, you are still more then welcoming to come in and meet with us. The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Evan Valanne for being Student of the Month for October!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Kohl Matthews and Claire Morrisonfor being Students of the Week ( November 10th-14th  2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour Quiz d'orthographe #7, mercredi le 26 novembre, 2014 + 10 phrases.Faire signer Quiz d'ortho #6FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also. Etudier les mots d'orthographe semaine #7 ,  quiz va être mercredi le 26 novembre, 2014 d'ortho. ( Spelling test will be WednesdayNovember 26th, 2014.)Les mots d'orthographe de la semaine #71. table                       6. éléphant2. ferme                      7. deux3. presque                   8. combien4. inviter                      9. homme5. manger                   10. femme 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/ drawing for Canadian the end of November 2014.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/drawing for Canadian the end of November 2014.

Posted: November 19, 2014

Are you looking for great gift ideas for your child/children for Christmas? Why not give the gift of reading? Next month's there are 5 different book orders to choose from + those coming in December. We can sent up private orders and payment, so your child/children will not know before Christmas, please feel free to contact me by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.cafor further information.REPORT CARD: Have been sent home today, please review it with your son/ daughter. After reviewing the report, sign the front of the report card envelop on the label, there is also space to add a comment if you wish, return to homeroom teacher ASAP. Inside the envelop you will also find a pink notice: this is explaining our Purple Team upcoming fundraiser. the  yellow slip is a notice of our parent-teacher schedule and if we require your presence. Even if we have not requested your presence, you are still more then welcoming to come in and meet with us. The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Evan Valanne for being Student of the Month for October!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Kohl Matthews and Claire Morrisonfor being Students of the Week ( November 10th-14th  2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour Quiz d'orthographe #7, mercredi le 26 novembre, 2014 Faire signer Quiz d'ortho #6FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also. Etudier les mots d'orthographe semaine #7 ,  quiz va être mercredi le 26 novembre, 2014 d'ortho. ( Spelling test will be WednesdayNovember 26th, 2014.)Les mots d'orthographe de la semaine #71. table                       6. éléphant2. ferme                      7. deux3. presque                   8. combien4. inviter                      9. homme5. manger                   10. femme 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/ drawing for Canadian the end of November 2014.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/drawing for Canadian the end of November 2014.

Posted: November 18, 2014

re you looking for great gift ideas for your child/children for Christmas? Why not give the gift of reading? Next month's there are 5 different book orders to choose from + those coming in December. We can sent up private orders and payment, so your child/children will not know before Christmas, please feel free to contact me by e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.cafor further information.REPORT CARD: Have been sent home today, please review it with your son/ daughter. After reviewing the report, sign the front of the report card envelop on the label, there is also space to add a comment if you wish, return to homeroom teacher ASAP. Inside the envelop you will also find a pink notice: this is explaining our Purple Team upcoming fundraiser. the  yellow slip is a notice of our parent-teacher schedule and if we require your presence. Even if we have not requested your presence, you are still more then welcoming to come in and meet with us. The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Evan Valanne for being Student of the Month for October!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Kohl Matthews and Claire Morrisonfor being Students of the Week ( November 10th-14th  2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour Quiz d'orthographe #6, mercredi le 19 novembre, 2014 + 10 phrases. Faire signer: 1. Livret de l'Halloween + 2. Compte rendu du livre #2. 3. Quiz d'orthographe #5 4. Compréhension de Lecture " Le Jour du Souvenir".FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also. Etudier les mots d'orthographe semaine #6 ,  quiz va être mercredi le 19 novembre, 2014 + 10 phrases avex les mots d'ortho. ( Spelling test will be Wednesday October 19th, 2014.)Faire signer: 1. Livret de l'Halloween + 2. Compte rendu du livre #2. + 3. Quiz d'ortho #5 4. Compréhension de Lecture " Le Jour du Souvenir".Les mots d'orthographe de la semaine #61. contre                      6. qui2. dans                        7. rue3. téléphone                 8. parle4. mesure                    9. route5. nuit                         10. citron 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/ drawing for Canadian the end of November 2014.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/drawing for Canadian the end of November 2014.

Posted: November 17, 2014

re you looking for great gift ideas for your child/children for Christmas? Why not give the gift of reading? Next month's there are 5 different book orders to choose from + those coming in December. We can sent up private orders and payment, so your child/children will not know before Christmas, please feel free to contact me by e-mail for further information.November book orders for Scholastic has gone home today! They are to be returned with payment, cash, cheque or e-transfer ( please contact me first for this method) by Monday November 17th, 2014.The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Evan Valanne for being Student of the Month for October!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Kohl Matthews and Claire Morrisonfor being Students of the Week ( November 10th-14th  2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour Quiz d'orthographe #6, mercredi le 19 novembre, 2014 + 10 phrases. Faire signer: 1. Livret de l'Halloween + 2. Compte rendu du livre #2. 3. Quiz d'orthographe #5 4. Compréhension de Lecture " Le Jour du Souvenir".FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also. Etudier les mots d'orthographe semaine #6 ,  quiz va être mercredi le 19 novembre, 2014 + 10 phrases avex les mots d'ortho. ( Spelling test will be Wednesday October 19th, 2014.)Faire signer: 1. Livret de l'Halloween + 2. Compte rendu du livre #2. + 3. Quiz d'ortho #5 4. Compréhension de Lecture " Le Jour du Souvenir".Les mots d'orthographe de la semaine #61. contre                      6. qui2. dans                        7. rue3. téléphone                 8. parle4. mesure                    9. route5. nuit                         10. citron 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/ drawing for Canadian Soldiers.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.Finish poem/ letter/drawing for Canadian Soldiers.

Posted: November 14, 2014

Are you looking for great gift ideas for your child/children for Christmas? Why not give the gift of reading? Next month's there are 5 different book orders to choose from + those coming in December. We can sent up private orders and payment, so your child/children will not know before Christmas, please feel free to contact me by e-mail for further information.November book orders for Scholastic has gone home today! They are to be returned with payment, cash, cheque or e-transfer ( please contact me first for this method) by Monday November 17th, 2014.The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Evan Valanne for being Student of the Month for October!!! Way to go!The Purple Team teachers would like to congratulate Brook Taylor and Drew MacTavish for being Students of the Week ( November 3rd - 7th 2014). Way to Go !!!!If you have any questions or concerns you may contact me at or leave a message 627-4088, I will return your call ASAP.Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour Quiz d'orthographe #6, mercredi le 19 novembre, 2014 + 10 phrases. Faire signer: 1. Livret de l'Halloween + 2. Compte rendu du livre #2. 3. Quiz d'orthographe #5FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Friday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier les mots d'orthographe semaine #6 ,  quiz va être mercredi le 19 novembre, 2014 + 10 phrases avex les mots d'ortho. ( Spelling test will be Wednesday October 19th, 2014.)Faire signer: 1. Livret de l'Halloween + 2. Compte rendu du livre #2. + 3. Quiz d'ortho #5Les mots d'orthographe de la semaine #61. contre                      6. qui2. dans                        7. rue3. téléphone                 8. parle4. mesure                    9. route5. nuit                         10. citron 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have all their notes for Chapter 2, they should be reading over these every night- every second night. We will be working on discussing/ exploring and analyzing these materials. There will be various activities done during class and at home.
