Mrs. Richardson Notes

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Posted: February 9, 2015

Our grade 8 Web Leaders have organized a Valentine's Spirit Week, with a theme for each day and a challenge to be completed at lunch. Here is the schedule for this week: Let's go 6E1....Let's keep the Spirit Award in our classroom!!!!!   Tuesday, February 10th    Look-alike day!  (Choose a friend or more and dress alike!)  & Stolen Heart Scavenger Hunt!(To be held in the SCIENCE LAB during your class’ recess portion of lunch.)Wednesday, February 11th  Pink or Red Day& Cupid Timetables(To be held in the SCIENCE LAB during your class’ recess portion of lunch.)Thursday, February 12thPajama Pants Day & Valentine’s Spelling Bee(To be held in the SCIENCE LAB during your class’ recess portion of lunch.)Valentine’s Social, 6-8:30pmThe Purple Team teachers are working on organizing a winter field trip at the end of February ( On approval from district), it will be an morning/afternoon of fun with sliding, sleigh ride and other things. We will send detailed information out when everything is finalized..HOWEVER please know student will require full winter clothing for these activities, winter coat, snowpants, winter boots etc... If they are not properly dressed for outdoor activities unfortunately they will not be able to particiapte. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at 627-4088 or cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caPurple Team students will be skating Friday February 20th from 10:15-11:40We would like to congratulate Emily McEvoy & Colin MacDiarmid for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team last week ( January 26th-January 30th).We would like to congratulate Kohl Matthews for being Student of the Month for January! Way to go Kohl you are a fantastic role model :-) Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture (Reading) 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier (Study) pour quiz d'ortho semaine #13 + 10 phrases (sentences) utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 12 février, 2015.Faire signer quiz #12 (Get signed)Etudier (Study) pour grand quiz d'ortho semaines #9-12, mercredi le 11 février, 2015.***Please note students have begun working on their Term 2 book report in class, these report is different from first term as the students developped and voted on the questions which are part of their report.  Book reports will be due Friday February 20th, 2015. FrançaisLecture (Reading) 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier (study) pour quiz d'ortho semaine # 13+ 10 phrases (sentences) utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi  le 12 février, 2015.Faire signer (sign) quiz d'ortho # 12Etudier ( study) pour grand quiz d'ortho semaines #9-12, mercredi le 11 février, 2015.***Please note students have begun working on their Term 2 book report in class, these report is different from first term as the students developped and voted on the questions which are part of their report.  Book reports will be due Friday February 20th, 2015. Les mots d'orthographe semaine #131. lecture        6. monter2. chaque       7. nuage3. demander   8. répondre4. être            9. saison5. joie           10. toucher ***GRAND QUIZ D'ORTHO SEMAINES #9-12 Les mots d'orthographe semaine #121. trou         6. gâteau2. barbe       7. huit3. aller          8. onze 4. bouger      9. papier5. ferner        10. rentrer Les mots d'orthographe semaine #111. triangle        6. magasin2. natation       7. journée3. dragon         8. village4. boule           9. étable5. camarade   10. leçon Les mots d'orthographe semaine #101. fâcher    6. finir2. pirate   7. récréation3. voiture   8. goûter4. touche   9. bouder5. parole   10. hier Les mots d'orthographe semaine #91. tête       6. est-ce que2. objet      7. garder3. bouche   8.  marche4. aussi     9. gagner5. feuille    10. chercher 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.Have discussion with you son/daughter about racism, discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice...share with them personal experiences you may have had or seen. This will help them understand that these things are still occuring today and what has happened in the past.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.Have discussion with you son/daughter about racism, discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice...share with them personal experiences you may have had or seen. This will help them understand that these things are still occuring today and what has happened in the past.

Posted: February 9, 2015

Our grade 8 Web Leaders have organized a Valentine's Spirit Week, with a theme for each day and a challenge to be completed at lunch. Here is the schedule for this week: Let's go 6E1....Let's keep the Spirit Award in our classroom!!!!!Monday, February 9thHMS Blue AND White Day!  Tuesday,February 10th Look-alike day!  (Choose a friend or more and dress alike!) & Stolen Heart Scavenger Hunt!(To be held in the SCIENCE LAB during your class’ recess portion of lunch.)Wednesday, February 11th  Pink or Red Day& Cupid Timetables(To be held in the SCIENCE LAB during your class’ recess portion of lunch.)Thursday, February 12thPajama Pants Day & Valentine’s Spelling Bee(To be held in the SCIENCE LAB during your class’ recess portion of lunch.)Valentine’s Social, 6-8:30pm

Posted: February 6, 2015

The Purple Team teachers are working on organizing a winter field trip at the end of February ( On approval from district), it will be an morning/afternoon of fun with sliding, sleigh ride and other things. We will send detailed information out when everything is finalized..HOWEVER please know student will require full winter clothing for these activities, winter coat, snowpants, winter boots etc... If they are not properly dressed for outdoor activities unfortunately they will not be able to particiapte. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at 627-4088 or cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caWe would like to congratulate Emily McEvoy & Colin MacDiarmid for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team last week ( January 26th-January 30th).We would like to congratulate Kohl Matthews for being Student of the Month for January! Way to go Kohl you are a fantastic role model :-) Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture (Reading) 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier (Study) pour quiz d'ortho semaine #13 + 10 phrases (sentences) utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 12 février, 2015.Faire signer quiz #12 (Get signed)Etudier (Study) pour grand quiz d'ortho semaines #9-12, mercredi le 11 février, 2015. Faire signer livret de Noel et d'Hiver. (Get signed)6E1- Faire signer compréhension de lecture. (Get signed)***Please note students have begun working on their Term 2 book report in class, these report is different from first term as the students developped and voted on the questions which are part of their report.  Book reports will be due Friday February 20th, 2015. FrançaisLecture (Reading) 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier (study) pour quiz d'ortho semaine # 13+ 10 phrases (sentences) utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi  le 12 février, 2015.Faire signer (sign) quiz d'ortho # 12Etudier ( study) pour grand quiz d'ortho semaines #9-12, mercredi le 11 février, 2015.Faire signer compréhension de lecture le Match.***Please note students have begun working on their Term 2 book report in class, these report is different from first term as the students developped and voted on the questions which are part of their report.  Book reports will be due Friday February 20th, 2015. Les mots d'orthographe semaine #131. lecture        6. monter2. chaque       7. nuage3. demander   8. répondre4. être            9. saison5. joie           10. toucher ***GRAND QUIZ D'ORTHO SEMAINES #9-12 Les mots d'orthographe semaine #121. trou         6. gâteau2. barbe       7. huit3. aller          8. onze 4. bouger      9. papier5. ferner        10. rentrer Les mots d'orthographe semaine #111. triangle        6. magasin2. natation       7. journée3. dragon         8. village4. boule           9. étable5. camarade   10. leçon Les mots d'orthographe semaine #101. fâcher    6. finir2. pirate   7. récréation3. voiture   8. goûter4. touche   9. bouder5. parole   10. hier Les mots d'orthographe semaine #91. tête       6. est-ce que2. objet      7. garder3. bouche   8.  marche4. aussi     9. gagner5. feuille    10. chercher 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.Have discussion with you son/daughter about racism, discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice...share with them personal experiences you may have had or seen. This will help them understand that these things are still occuring today and what has happened in the past.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.Have discussion with you son/daughter about racism, discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice...share with them personal experiences you may have had or seen. This will help them understand that these things are still occuring today and what has happened in the past.

Posted: February 5, 2015

The Purple Team teachers are working on organizing a winter field trip at the end of February ( On approval from district), it will be an morning/afternoon of fun with sliding, sleigh ride and other things. We will send detailed information out when everything is finalized..HOWEVER please know student will require full winter clothing for these activities, winter coat, snowpants, winter boots etc... If they are not properly dressed for outdoor activities unfortunately they will not be able to particiapte. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at 627-4088 or cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caWe would like to congratulate Emily McEvoy & Colin MacDiarmid for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team last week ( January 26th-January 30th).We would like to congratulate Kohl Matthews for being Student of the Month for January! Way to go Kohl you are a fantastic role model :-) Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture (Reading) 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier (Study) pour quiz d'ortho semaine #13 + 10 phrases (sentences) utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 12 février, 2015.Faire signer quiz #12 (Get signed)Etudier (Study) pour grand quiz d'ortho semaines #9-12, mercredi le 11 février, 2015. Faire signer livret de Noel et d'Hiver. (Get signed)6E1- Faire signer compréhension de lecture. (Get signed)***Please note students have begun working on their Term 2 book report in class, these report is different from first term as the students developped and voted on the questions which are part of their report.  Book reports will be due Friday February 20th, 2015. FrançaisLecture (Reading) 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier (study) pour quiz d'ortho semaine # 13+ 10 phrases (sentences) utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi  le 12 février, 2015.Faire signer (sign) quiz d'ortho # 12Etudier ( study) pour grand quiz d'ortho semaines #9-12, mercredi le 11 février, 2015.Faire signer compréhension de lecture le Match.***Please note students have begun working on their Term 2 book report in class, these report is different from first term as the students developped and voted on the questions which are part of their report.  Book reports will be due Friday February 20th, 2015. Les mots d'orthographe semaine #131. lecture        6. monter2. chaque       7. nuage3. demander   8. répondre4. être            9. saison5. joie           10. toucher ***GRAND QUIZ D'ORTHO SEMAINES #9-12 Les mots d'orthographe semaine #121. trou         6. gâteau2. barbe       7. huit3. aller          8. onze 4. bouger      9. papier5. ferner        10. rentrer Les mots d'orthographe semaine #111. triangle        6. magasin2. natation       7. journée3. dragon         8. village4. boule           9. étable5. camarade   10. leçon Les mots d'orthographe semaine #101. fâcher    6. finir2. pirate   7. récréation3. voiture   8. goûter4. touche   9. bouder5. parole   10. hier Les mots d'orthographe semaine #91. tête       6. est-ce que2. objet      7. garder3. bouche   8.  marche4. aussi     9. gagner5. feuille    10. chercher 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.

Posted: February 4, 2015

Homerome 6E1 + Purple Team: The Purple Team teachers are working on organizing a winter field trip at the end of February ( On approval from district), it will be an morning/afternoon of fun with sliding, sleigh ride and other things. We will send detailed information out when everything is finalized..HOWEVER please know student will require full winter clothing for these activities, winter coat, snowpants, winter boots etc... If they are not properly dressed for outdoor activities unfortunately they will not be able to particiapte. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at 627-4088 or cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caWe would like to congratulate Emily McEvoy & Colin MacDiarmid for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team last week ( January 26th-January 30th).We would like to congratulate Kohl Matthews for being Student of the Month for January! Way to go Kohl you are a fantastic role model :-) Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine #12 + 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 5 février, 2015.Faire signer quiz #11 Faire signer livret de Noel et d'Hiver.6E1- Faire signer compréhension de lecture.***Please note students have begun working on their Term 2 book report in class, these report is different from first term as the students developped and voted on the questions which are part of their report.  Book reports will be due Friday February 20th, 2015. FrançaisLecture (Reading) 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier (study) pour quiz d'ortho semaine # 12+ 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi  le 5 février, 2015.Faire signer (sign) quiz d'ortho # 11Faire signer compréhension de lecture le Match.***Please note students have begun working on their Term 2 book report in class, these report is different from first term as the students developped and voted on the questions which are part of their report.  Book reports will be due Friday February 20th, 2015. Les mots d'orthographe semaine #121. trou         6. gâteau2. barbe       7. huit3. aller          8. onze 4. bouger      9. papier5. ferner        10. rentrer 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.

Posted: February 2, 2015

Homerome 6E1 + Purple Team: The Purple Team teachers are working on organizing a winter field trip at the end of February ( On approval from district), it will be an morning/afternoon of fun with sliding, sleigh ride and other things. We will send detailed information out when everything is finalized..HOWEVER please know student will require full winter clothing for these activities, winter coat, snowpants, winter boots etc... If they are not properly dressed for outdoor activities unfortunately they will not be able to particiapte. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at 627-4088 or cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caWe would like to congratulate Kohl Matthews for being Student of the Month for January! Way to go Kohl you are a fantastic role model :-)Scholastic book orders for the month of January have gone homethey are due back February 3rd...extended days because of storm. Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine #12 + 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 5 février, 2015.Faire signer quiz #11 Faire signer livret de Noel et d'Hiver.6E1- Faire signer compréhension de lecture.FrançaisLecture (Reading) 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier (study) pour quiz d'ortho semaine # 12+ 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi  le 5 février, 2015.Faire signer (sign) quiz d'ortho # 11Faire signer compréhension de lecture le Match.Les mots d'orthographe semaine #121. trou         6. gâteau2. barbe       7. huit3. aller          8. onze 4. bouger      9. papier5. ferner        10. rentrer 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.

Posted: January 30, 2015

Homerome 6E1 + Purple Team: The Purple Team teachers are working on organizing a winter field trip at the end of February ( On approval from district), it will be an morning/afternoon of fun with sliding, sleigh ride and other things. We will send detailed information out when everything is finalized..HOWEVER please know student will require full winter clothing for these activities, winter coat, snowpants, winter boots etc... If they are not properly dressed for outdoor activities unfortunately they will not be able to particiapte. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at 627-4088 or cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caWe would like to congratulate the following students for being Student of the Week on the Purple Team for the week of January 19th- 23rd Amy Adams  & Griffin Doucet WAY TO GO!!!!!We would like to congratulate Kohl Matthews for being Student of the Month for January! Way to go Kohl you are a fantastic role model :-)Scholastic book orders for the month of January have gone homethey are due back February 3rd...extended days because of storm. Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine #12 + 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 5 février, 2015.Faire signer quiz #11 Faire signer livret de Noel et d'Hiver.6E1- Faire signer compréhension de lecture.FrançaisLecture (Reading) 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier (study) pour quiz d'ortho semaine # 12+ 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi  le 5 février, 2015.Faire signer (sign) quiz d'ortho # 11Faire signer compréhension de lecture le Match.Les mots d'orthographe semaine #121. trou         6. gâteau2. barbe       7. huit3. aller          8. onze 4. bouger      9. papier5. ferner        10. rentrer 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.Students have received their Chapter 2 quizzes. Please sign and return ASAP, student may also earn 1/2 maks back on the multiple choice + fill in the blank questions. They are not to correct their mistakes directly on the quiz, but on a new piece of loose leaf they will staple to their test. Quiz with corrections + signed must be handed in by Friday January 30th for the marks to be earned, 6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.Students have received their Chapter 2 quizzes. Please sign and return ASAP, student may also earn 1/2 maks back on the multiple choice + fill in the blank questions. They are not to correct their mistakes directly on the quiz, but on a new piece of loose leaf they will staple to their test. Quiz with corrections + signed must be handed in by Friday January 30th for the marks to be earned, 

Posted: January 29, 2015

Homerome 6E1 + Purple Team: The Purple Team teachers are working on organizing a winter field trip at the end of February ( On approval from district), it will be an morning/afternoon of fun with sliding, sleigh ride and other things. We will send detailed information out when everything is finalized..HOWEVER please know student will require full winter clothing for these activities, winter coat, snowpants, winter boots etc... If they are not properly dressed for outdoor activities unfortunately they will not be able to particiapte. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at 627-4088 or cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caWe would like to congratulate the following students for being Student of the Week on the Purple Team for the week of January 19th- 23rd Amy Adams  & Griffin Doucet WAY TO GO!!!!!We would like to congratulate LINDSEY BURNS for being Student of the Month for December!Scholastic book orders for the month of January have gone homethey are due back February 3rd...extended days because of storm. Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine #12 + 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 5 février, 2015.Faire signer quiz #11 Faire signer livret de Noel et d'Hiver.FrançaisLecture (Reading) 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier (study) pour quiz d'ortho semaine # 12+ 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi  le 5 février, 2015.Faire signer (sign) quiz d'ortho # 11Les mots d'orthographe semaine #121. trou         6. gâteau2. barbe       7. huit3. aller          8. onze 4. bouger      9. papier5. ferner        10. rentrer 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.Students have received their Chapter 2 quizzes. Please sign and return ASAP, student may also earn 1/2 maks back on the multiple choice + fill in the blank questions. They are not to correct their mistakes directly on the quiz, but on a new piece of loose leaf they will staple to their test. Quiz with corrections + signed must be handed in by Friday January 30th for the marks to be earned, 6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.Students have received their Chapter 2 quizzes. Please sign and return ASAP, student may also earn 1/2 maks back on the multiple choice + fill in the blank questions. They are not to correct their mistakes directly on the quiz, but on a new piece of loose leaf they will staple to their test. Quiz with corrections + signed must be handed in by Friday January 30th for the marks to be earned, 

Posted: January 26, 2015

Homerome 6E1 + Purple Team: The Purple Team teachers are working on organizing a winter field trip at the end of February ( On approval from district), it will be an morning/afternoon of fun with sliding, sleigh ride and other things. We will send detailed information out when everything is finalized..HOWEVER please know student will require full winter clothing for these activities, winter coat, snowpants, winter boots etc... If they are not properly dressed for outdoor activities unfortunately they will not be able to particiapte. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at 627-4088 or cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caWe would like to congratulate the following students for being Student of the Week on the Purple Team for the week of January 19th- 23rd Amy Adams  & Griffin Doucet WAY TO GO!!!!!We would like to congratulate LINDSEY BURNS for being Student of the Month for December!Scholastic book orders for the month of January have gone home today, they are due back January 28th, 2015. Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine #11 + 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 29 janvier, 2015.Faire signer quiz #10 Faire signer livret de Noel et d'Hiver.FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine # 11+ 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 29 janvier, 2015.Faire signer quiz d'ortho # 10Les mots d'orthographe semaine #111. triangle    6. fmagasin2. natation 7. journée3. dragon 8. village4. boule   9. étable5. camarade   10. leçon 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.Students have received their Chapter 2 quizzes. Please sign and return ASAP, student may also earn 1/2 maks back on the multiple choice + fill in the blank questions. They are not to correct their mistakes directly on the quiz, but on a new piece of loose leaf they will staple to their test. Quiz with corrections + signed must be handed in by Friday January 30th for the marks to be earned, 6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Students have their notes for Chapiter 3, they should be reading them over and studying every second night. We will be working through this chapter with activities, videos, discussions in the classroom over the next few weeks. There will be a quiz at the end of February.Students have received their Chapter 2 quizzes. Please sign and return ASAP, student may also earn 1/2 maks back on the multiple choice + fill in the blank questions. They are not to correct their mistakes directly on the quiz, but on a new piece of loose leaf they will staple to their test. Quiz with corrections + signed must be handed in by Friday January 30th for the marks to be earned, 

Posted: January 23, 2015

Homerome 6E1 + Purple Team: The Purple Team teachers are working on organizing a winter field trip at the end of February ( On approval from district), it will be an morning/afternoon of fun with sliding, sleigh ride and other things. We will send detailed information out when everything is finalized..HOWEVER please know student will require full winter clothing for these activities, winter coat, snowpants, winter boots etc... If they are not properly dressed for outdoor activities unfortunately they will not be able to particiapte. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at 627-4088 or cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.caWe would like to congratulate the following students for being Student of the Week on the Purple Team for the week of January 19th- 23rd Amy Adams  & Griffin Doucet WAY TO GO!!!!!We would like to congratulate LINDSEY BURNS for being Student of the Month for December!Scholastic book orders for the month of January have gone home today, they are due back January 28th, 2015. Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine #11 + 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 29 janvier, 2015.Faire signer quiz #106E2- Faire signer livret de Noel et d'Hiver.FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine # 11+ 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 29 janvier, 2015.Faire signer quiz d'ortho # 10Les mots d'orthographe semaine #101. triangle    6. fmagasin2. natation 7. journée3. dragon 8. village4. boule   9. étable5. camarade   10. leçon 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Finir (finish) les notes Chapitre #3 pour demain (tomorrow Friday January 23rd)...If this was not completed, they have lost a homework check and needs to be completed for Monday!6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Finir (finish) les notes Chapitre #3 pour demain ) tomorrow Friday January 23rd)...If this was not completed, they have lost a homework check and needs to be completed for Monday!

Posted: January 22, 2015

Homerome 6E1 + Purple Team: Interim Reports went home on Wednesday! I still have students who have not returned their report signed. Students have been advised if their report is not returned tomorrow they will receive 1 day detention. Purple Team will be skating on Friday January 23rd, 2015 from 10:15-11:40, all students will need skates and helmet. If you child can't participate in skating we will require a written note indicating this before the 23rd, as we will need to make arrangements for any students staying back.  All parents and guardians are welcome to join us, if your child is unable to tie their skates, please practice this with them prior to skating. Thank you!We would like to congratulate the following students for being Student of the Week on the Purple Team for the week of January 6th-9th Maggie McNeil & Vaughn Stewart WAY TO GO!!!!!We would like to congratulate the following students for being Student of the Week on the Purple Team for the week of January 12th-16th Megan Bent & Kaelyn Pitre  WAY TO GO!!!!!We would like to congratulate LINDSEY BURNS for being Student of the Month for December!Scholastic book orders for the month of January have gone home today, they are due back January 28th, 2015. Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine #11 + 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 29 janvier, 2015.Faire signer quiz #10FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine # 11+ 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 29 janvier, 2015.Faire signer quiz d'ortho # 10Les mots d'orthographe semaine #101. triangle    6. fmagasin2. natation 7. journée3. dragon 8. village4. boule   9. étable5. camarade   10. leçon 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Finir (finish) les notes Chapitre #3 pour demain (tomorrow Friday January 23rd)6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Finir (finish) les notes Chapitre #3 pour demain ) tomorrow Friday January 23rd)

Posted: January 21, 2015

Homerome 6E1 + Purple Team: Interim Reports went home yesterday! PlPurple Team will be skating on Friday January 23rd, 2015 from 10:15-11:40, all students will need skates and helmet. If you child can't participate in skating we will require a written note indicating this before the 23rd, as we will need to make arrangements for any students staying back.  All parents and guardians are welcome to join us, if your child is unable to tie their skates, please practice this with them prior to skating. Thank you!We would like to congratulate the following students for being Student of the Week on the Purple Team for the week of January 6th-9th Maggie McNeil & Vaughn Stewart WAY TO GO!!!!!We would like to congratulate the following students for being Student of the Week on the Purple Team for the week of January 12th-16th Megan Bent & Kaelyn Pitre  WAY TO GO!!!!!We would like to congratulate LINDSEY BURNS for being Student of the Month for December!Scholastic book orders for the month of January have gone home today, they are due back January 28th, 2015. Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine #10 + 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 22 janvier, 2015.Faire signer quiz #9FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine # 10+ 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 22 janvier, 2015.Faire signer quiz d'ortho # 9Les mots d'orthographe semaine #91. fâcher    6. finir2. pirate   7. récréation3. voiture   8. goûter4. touche   9. bouder5. parole   10. hier 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Finir (finish) les notes Chapitre #3 pour prochaine classe (for next class)6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Finir (finish) les notes Chapitre #3 pour prochaine classe.

Posted: January 20, 2015

Homerome 6E1 + Purple Team: Interim Reports have gone home today, please review with your son/daughther and both must sign the report and send it back to homeroom teachers ASAP.Purple Team will be skating on Friday January 23rd, 2015 from 10:15-11:40, all students will need skates and helmet. If you child can't participate in skating we will require a written note indicating this before the 23rd, as we will need to make arrangements for any students staying back.  All parents and guardians are welcome to join us, if your child is unable to tie their skates, please practice this with them prior to skating. Thank you!We would like to congratulate the following students for being Student of the Week on the Purple Team for the week of January 6th-9th Maggie McNeil & Vaughn Stewart WAY TO GO!!!!!We would like to congratulate the following students for being Student of the Week on the Purple Team for the week of January 12th-16th Megan Bent & Kaelyn Pitre  WAY TO GO!!!!!We would like to congratulate LINDSEY BURNS for being Student of the Month for December! Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine #10 + 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 22 janvier, 2015.Faire signer quiz #9FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine # 10+ 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 22 janvier, 2015.Faire signer quiz d'ortho # 9Les mots d'orthographe semaine #91. fâcher    6. finir2. pirate   7. récréation3. voiture   8. goûter4. touche   9. bouder5. parole   10. hier 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Title page due Tuesday January 20th, 2015. If I haven't received your son/daughter's title page today ( except if they were abasent), they have lost -10&6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)None

Posted: January 16, 2015

Purple Team will be skating, all students will need skates and helmet. All parents and guardians are welcome to join us, if your child is unable to tie their skates, please practice this with them prior to skating. Thank you!

Posted: January 16, 2015

Homerome 6E1 + Purple Team: Purple Team will be skating on Friday January 23rd, 2015 from 10:15-11:40, all students will need skates and helmet. If you child can't participate in skating we will require a written note indicating this before the 23rd, as we will need to make arrangements for any students staying back.  All parents and guardians are welcome to join us, if your child is unable to tie their skates, please practice this with them prior to skating. Thank you!We would like to congratulate the following students for being Student of the Week on the Purple Team for the week of January 6th-9th Maggie McNeil & Vaughn Stewart WAY TO GO!!!!!We would like to congratulate the following students for being Student of the Week on the Purple Team for the week of January 12th-16th Megan Bent & Kaelyn Pitre  WAY TO GO!!!!!We would like to congratulate LINDSEY BURNS for being Student of the Month for December! Français 6E1 et 6E2Lecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine #10 + 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 22 janvier, 2015.Faire signer quiz #9Faire signer les 2 compréhension de lecture.Faire signer livret de Noel et Hiver.FrançaisLecture 10-15 minutes ( every night from Monday to Thursday)...they can do there reading during Student Enhancement and this counts also.Etudier pour quiz d'ortho semaine # 10+ 10 phrases utilisant les mots d'ortho, jeudi le 22 janvier, 2015.Faire signer quiz d'ortho # 9Faire signer livret de Noel et HiverLes mots d'orthographe semaine #91. fâcher    6. finir2. pirate   7. récréation3. voiture   8. goûter4. touche   9. bouder5. parole   10. hier 6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Title page due Tuesday January 20th, 2015.Get assignment ( chapiter 2- 9 questions) signed.Get map signed.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Quiz Chapter 2, Friday January 16th, 2015.Get assignment (Chapiter 2-9 questions) signed.Title Page chapter 2 due tomorrow Friday January 16th, 2015. *** I didn't receive all title pages today, students have lost -10% if it was not handed in today...except if it they were absent, if absent they must hand in when they return to school.
