Mrs. Richardson Notes

Welcome To Our Page


Posted: November 3, 2021

I would like to thank all students and parents who have reached out by e-mail, I'm here to help as best I can throughout the day :-) Please don't be shy to contact me, I will do my best to respond ASAP. 

If you don't have access to Teams or unable to login, please reach out to me via e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb to make alternate arrangements for daily check-ins. 


Team meetings have been schedules as follows: invitations will be sent out today. Students can access the team meeting through a link which will be sent to their e-mail. PLEASE note these are the correct times, there was an error when sending the invitation.

  • 8P1: Thursday November 4th, 2021 at 10 am
  • 7E: Thursday November 4th, 2021 at 11 am
  • 8E: Thursday November 4th, 2021 at 1pm
  • 8P2: Friday November 5th, 2021 at 10am

8P1 & 8P2 Post Intensif French ( PIF):   

  • Continue working on your booklet " Livret la rentrée".
  • Complete check-in on Teams ( Today's check-in is our Team meeting). Always make sure to read the directions of the check-in assignments before answering the questions.  Contact me if you don't understand. 
  •  Choose 1 of the websites I listed in the attached document and complete 1 activity. (Track your French activities)


7E & 8E Français: 

  • Continue working on your draft writting piece " Bande dessinée".....please send me your drafts by e-mail ( pictures or scan).
  • Complete check-in on Teams: ( Today's check-in is our Team meeting). Always make sure to read the directions of the check-in assignments before answering the questions.  Contact me if you don't understand. 
  • Choose 1 of the websites I listed in the attached document and complete 1 activity (Track your French activities).

8E- Collaboration:

  • Your private groups have been created with the Teams Collaboration site: 
  •  Questions have been posted, you are free to work on these questions whenever is convenient for you. 

7E & 8E Science Humaine:

  • Videos with reflection questions will be posted today. You have the whole week to complete ( They will be posted in your Teams site and on my teacher page).
  • I will also be posting an assignment on the 7 sacred teachings ( 1at a time).

Posted: November 3, 2021

Good morning :-) 

If you don't have access to Teams or unable to login, please reach out to me via e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb to make alternate arrangements for daily check-ins. 


Team meetings have been schedules as follows: invitations will be sent out today. Students can access the team meeting through a link which will be sent to their e-mail. PLEASE note these are the correct times, there was an error when sending the invitation.

  • 8P1: Thursday November 4th, 2021 at 10 am
  • 7E: Thursday November 4th, 2021 at 11 am
  • 8E: Thursday November 4th, 2021 at 1pm
  • 8P2: Friday November 5th, 2021 at 10am

8P1 & 8P2 Post Intensif French ( PIF):   

  • Continue working on your booklet " Livret la rentrée".
  • Complete check-in on Teams
  • Track your French activities


7E & 8E Français: 

  • Continue working on your draft writting piece " Bande dessinée".....please send me your drafts by e-mail ( pictures or scan).
  • Complete check-in on Teams
  • Track your French activities.

8E- Collaboration:

  • Your private groups have been created with the Teams Collaboration site: 
  • I will be posting questions I would like for your group to work on the remainder of the week. 

7E & 8E Science Humaine:

  • Videos with reflection questions will be posted today. You have the whole week to complete ( They will be posted in your Teams site and on my teacher page).
  • I will also be posting an assignment on the 7 sacred teachings ( 1at a time).

Posted: November 2, 2021

Good morning :-)

If you don't have access to Teams or unable to login, please reach out to me via e-mail cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb to make alternate arrangements for daily check-ins. 

I will be posting a document later today with websites, video links, apps which can be used to reinforce concepts, word sounds, grammar, vocabulary etc.... This can be used by all my classes, please make sure to track your activities as I will be collecting your log when we return to school. 

Team meetings have been schedules as follows: invitations will be sent out today. Students can access the team meeting through a link which will be sent to their e-mail.

  • 8P1: Thursday November 4th, 2021 at 10 am
  • 7E: Thursday November 4th, 2021 at 11 am
  • 8E: Thursday November 4th, 2021 at 1pm
  • 8P2: Friday November 5th, 2021 at 10am

8P1 & 8P2 Post Intensif French ( PIF):   Choose any 2  new pages to work on today. You are permitted to use word reference. If you have any questions you can e-mail me. Go to teams and answer the question I have asked, this will be attendance for today.  You also have your " Tracking Form" if you do extra French activities today or any day, make sure to record them on your form.


7E & 8E Français: 1. Please open your home learning packet and complete the reading comprehension (ONLY), you may write directly on the paper. Don't forget to use your reading stratgies ( I will post them on Teams ASAP), I will also upload a copy of the reading comprehension, in case you can't locate your packet.  You reading comprehension will be added in when we return to school ( must be completed).

2. Continue working on your " Bande Dessinée" are not permitted to begin your good copy before I have looked over your draft.  If you are done your draft........ take a picture or scan and send to me by e-mail. This way I can send you feedback if there are things which need to be worked on. Drafts must be completed by Friday November 5th and sent to me.  All good copies need to be done on white paper ( no lines) and colored. I will attach rubric and look fors both in French and English. 

3. Go to teams and answer the question I have asked, this will be attendance for today (must be answered in French).  You also have your " Tracking Form" if you do extra French activities today or any day, make sure to record them on your form.

4. This week I will be sending out to students their username and password and information on how to access a new program we will be using all year to practice reading at home. ( Je lis, je lis!) I was in the process of getting my students signed up before we were direct to do home learning. It's a wonderful site, were I can read to the students, have them read to me and assigned books at their level. 

Check it out:


Posted: November 1, 2021


8E Collaboration: I'm in the process of creating your groups within the Collaboration Team. I will be posting questions (by Wednesday November 3rd) in which you and your group members will need to answer regarding your project. These questions are to help guide your reserach and keep you on track with your "activity/ event".


8P1 & 8P2 Post Intensif French ( PIF):  Please open your home learning packet, you have a booklet. Choose any 2 pages to do today. You are permitted to use word reference. If you have any questions you can e-mail me. Go to teams and answer the question I have asked, this will be attendance for today.  You also have your " Tracking Form" if you do extra French activities today or any day, make sure to record them on your form.


7E & 8E Français: 1. Please open your home learning packet and complete the reading comprehension (ONLY), you may write directly on the paper. Don't forget to use your reading stratgies ( I will post them on Teams ASAP), I will also upload a copy of the reading comprehension, in case you can't locate your packet.  You reading comprehension will be added in when we return to school ( must be completed).

2. Continue working on your " Bande Dessinée" are not permitted to begin your good copy before I have looked over your draft.  If you are done your draft........ take a picture or scan and send to me by e-mail. This way I can send you feedback if there are things which need to be worked on. Drafts must be completed by Friday November 5th and sent to me.  All good copies need to be done on white paper ( no lines) and colored. I will attach rubric and look fors both in French and English. 

3. Go to teams and answer the question I have asked, this will be attendance for today (must be answered in French).  You also have your " Tracking Form" if you do extra French activities today or any day, make sure to record them on your form.


7E & 8E Science Humaine: Nothing for today, check back tomorrow. 

Good morning, students, parents/ guardians. I will be using my teacher page to direct you to what is required for the day/week and when student assignments, lessons and instruction are found in their "Team".  Each day students will be required to log into their " Français Team" to answer a question, reading or writing prompt, participate in a survery etc..... and submit on the the same day. This will be a record of attendance and participation in home learning. We are unware at this time, how long home learning will last. If on Wednesday November 3rd we are not back to school I will host a Team meeting on Thursday November 4th with each of my classes to touch base with them. Team meetings will follow your son/daughter's school schedule. ( I will attach schedules of classes I teach). These meetings will last no longer then 30 minutes. If home learning extends to next week, I will conduct 2 team meetings per week with each of my classes. 


I'm available by e-mail from 8:30am-4pm daily, students or parents/guardians can reach me by e-mail at

I have advised my students to reach out to me via e-mail at anytime and I will get back to them ASAP. If they have a questions regarding an assignment, I have asked them to leave a telephone number where I can reach them during the day and I can talk them through the assignment or answer questions directly. 


8P1 & 8P2 (they have 1 team with me and this is for PIF)

7E (has 2 teams with me Français, Science Humaine).

8E (has 3 teams with me Français, Science Humaine et Collaboration).


Please make sure to check my teacher page first, as directions on what to do or where to access videos, links, assignments ect... will be there. Also, some assignments are not to be done in one day....please check the deadline assigned to each assignment. 

Please know I am here to support my students and will do my best! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Wishing you all a lovely day, stay safe everyone ♥ Ms. Richardson


Posted: October 26, 2021

Homeroom 8E- Richardson

  • Retakes and sibling pictures will take place on Wednesday October 27th, 2021.
  • Activity Block #2 Has begun.
  • Popcorn will be sold on Friday October 29th as a fundraiser for Santa for Seniors/Christmas. Must be pre-ordered and paid by Thursday October 28th, small bag $1.00 and big bag $2.00
  • Skating is for 7P, 7E&8E2 Friday October 29th.
  • Special meal at the cafeteria Friday October 29th, if not ordering you must bring a lunch from home as there's no other meals available. 
  • Halloween Parade is Friday October 29th- Class with best spirit will be awarded a "Volcano" treat.

Posted: October 18, 2021

Homeroom 8E- Richardson

  • Picture information was sent home last week ( must access proofs and order form online).
  • MAA's big fundraiser (gas tickets) will begin Thursday October 7th and finish on October 25th.
  • Friday PJ/Hat Day wear your favorite or both cost is $1.00 each. All proceeds are going towards our Santa for Seniors and Christmas Families. 
  • Activity Block #2 information sheet has been sent home, please review with your child, sign and returned to homeroom teacher before Friday October 22th. 

Posted: October 5, 2021

Homeroom 8E- Richardson

  • Grade 6-8 picture day is Thursday October 7th.
  • MAA's big fundraiser (gas tickets) will begin Thursday October 7th and finish on October 25th.
  • Special Thanksgiving meal on Friday October 8th, order forms have been sent out and need to be returned by Wednesday October 6th. NOTE: There is no other meal available to purchase on Friday.
  • No school Monday October 11th- Thanksgiving.

Posted: September 27, 2021

Homeroom 8E

  • Toonie for Terry- Terry Fox Walk will take place on Wednesday September 29th. This event is closed to the public as per Covid-19 restrictions.  We are asking students to donate $2.00 to help support the Terry Fox Foundation. 
  • Thursday September 30th is Orange Shirt in recognition of  Truth and Reconciliation.

Posted: September 14, 2021

Homeroom 8E

  • Special meal at the cafeteria ( Corn boil-Friday September 17th)- order forms were sent home today and need to be return with money by Wednesday September 15th. 
  • Student fee is $25.00, receipt will be issued.
  • Kleenex (3 boxes) 
  • PJ/Hat Day Friday September 17th, 2021. Cost is $1.00 each, all proceeds will go to our Santa For Seniors fundraising campaign.

Posted: September 13, 2021

Homeroom 8E

  • Special meal at the cafeteria ( Corn boil-Friday September 17th)- order forms were sent home today and need to be return with money by Wednesday September 15th. 
  • Student fee is $25.00, receipt will be issued.
  • Kleenex (3 boxes) 

Posted: September 9, 2021

Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a fabulous fun filled summer with some relaxation. 

Homeroom 8E

  • Check your child's book bag, there are very important documents and forms to be filled out and return ASAP. 
  • Student fee is $25.00, receipt will be issued.
  • Kleenex (3 boxes)
  • It's extremely important your child has the appropriate colored duo-tangs as are subjects are colored coordinated to help with organization. 

Posted: September 9, 2021

Posted: June 21, 2021

Advisory (Homeroom) 8FI- Richardson


  • This week there are only grab and go items at the cafeteria, please note cafeteria will be closed on Friday June 25th.
  •  Grade 8 Award Ceremony & Activity Day will be held on Wednesday June 23rd (rain day June 24th).  Due to Covid these events are closed to the public, the award ceremony will be live streamed and can be accessed on our school Youtube channel. 
  • Friday June 25th is a full day, report cards will be given out on Friday only. 

Posted: June 14, 2021

Advisory Richardson- Homeroom 8FI

  • Students from 8P, 7/8 E and 8FI have received their permission slips and invitation for the year end field trip and Grade 8 celebration day.
Please look over all informations, sign permission slip and send back to homeroon teachers by Monday June 14th.


Humanitiés 8FI:

 Francais 8FI:

  • Students are working on a variety of grammar lessons and strategies in class.
  • Students are working on a novel study in class. 
 Social Studies 8FI:
  • Students are learning about rascism, discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes within cultures. We are currently examining and learning about Residential Schools and Indigineous culture. 

 Humanities 7/8 E:

 Francais 7/8 E:

  • Students are working on a variety of grammar lessons and strategies in class.
  • Students are working on a novel study in class. 

Social Studies 7/8E

  • Students are learning about rascism, discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes within cultures. We are currently examining and learning about Residential Schools and Indigineous culture. 


 Health 8FI:

  • Working on relationships and consent. 


 Health 7/8 E:

  • Working on relationships and consent.

PIF- Post Intensive French 8P :

  • We have started a new unit all about comparing "Mode de Vie d'autrefois"- The way of life from before compared to now. - Second focus: Music
