The Elementary Drama Club begins practices on Wednesday for their Spring Production of Charlotte's Web. The first practice is on Wednesday, Feb 1st and students are strongly encouraged to attend all practices. Practices run until 4:45 and parents may pick their children up in the front lobby at this time.
Reminder: There will be a PSSC Election tonight at 7pm in the Performing Arts Room at MAA. The role of this committee is to advise the principal on the School Improvement Plan, school policies, procedures etc. All parents/guardians are welcome.
Max Aitken Academy will host two important parent meetings in the coming weeks. Please take note of the dates and times. We strongly encourage all existing members of former school groups to attend! Of course, new members are always welcome.
• Max Aitken Academy Home & School Election of Officers Meeting: Tuesday, January 24th, 7pm, Cafeteria CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER
• Max Aitken Academy PSSC Election and Initial Meeting: Tuesday, January 31st, 7pm, Learning Commois
We ask that parents please take the time to read the Max Aitken Academy Handbook for 2017. This handbook was also distributed to your child in hardcopy on the first day of school. Thank you!