Mr. Flynn

Mr. Flynn's Phys Ed. Page

Hey everyone and Happy New Year! Attached is your weekly Phys Ed Calendar that you can follow along to and complete. To keep track of how active you have been please use the DEAM (Drop Everything And Move) check list that was sent home in the learning pack. Try your best to complete the Choice Board that is attached and also one item each day from the DEAM Calendar. If you have any questions at all please email me at


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Grade 2-5:

Hey boys and girls. We have been working on overhand throwing activities the past several weeks and so today we will continue to practice those skills with a few activities laid out below.


Warm-up- In an area in your home make sure you have enough space to do the following - Jog in place for 45 seconds, complete 10 squats, complete 5 burpees and complete 25 jumping jacks. Try to do three rounds of these exercises to get your body warmed-up. If you do not have enough space in your living area go for a brisk walk for 15-20 minutes in your neighbourhood. 


Activity #1:

"Surprise Rebounder". Find a ball of any size and a wall. Have someone stand behind you with the ball and throw it against the wall without you looking. How quick can you react to catch the ball? After five catches switch roles and you play the role of thrower and have that person try to catch the ball. Remember our throwing steps - bring arm in circular motion up to your ear, step with thhe opposite foot and release. 

Activity #2:

"Sock fight". Roll up several pairs of socks and these will act as your object to throw. Find a few family member or friends to play with. Each player begins with a pair of socks rolled up with their hands. Count backward together from five and when you hit zero let the games begin by trying to throw a pair of socks at other people. Each player has three lives and when hit they lose a life. Last player to keep all their lives wins.


Posted: November 29, 2021

Monday Morning Fitness for November 29th

Try this small workout. It's only eight minutes in length and will get you warmed-up on this cold Monday.

Posted: November 23, 2021

Hey boys and girls. I hope everyone is doing fine and staying safe. Below is your Phys Ed Lesson for Grades 3-5 for Tuesday.


Warm-up- Go for a 15 minute walk (with a parent) or complete the following exercises: 20 jumping jacks, 5 burpees, 10 squats and 5 push-ups.

Skill- We have been working on overhand throw and catch the past few classes. Today I would like you to take a ball and find a wall to practice your throwing against. If you don't have a ball roll up a pair of socks or crumple a piece of paper. The steps are as follows:

1. Eyes at target and point non-throwing hand

2. Bring throwing hand around by your ear

3. Pull throwing arm in a downward motion (remember string light!) and step with opposite foot.

If you have a sibling or a parent that is willing to play catch with you it'll make your throwing practice even better.

Game- You will need a player to play against and four or five paper balls. This game is a "snow ball fight". Divide the room you are using in half and attempt to use your overhand throw to hit the other person with a paper ball. Each time you hit them you receieve a point. If you get hit that is the amount of jumping jacks you will have to complete at the end of the activity.

Have fun!!!

Posted: November 12, 2021

Hey everyone! I hope you have been following our Phys Ed Lesson Calendar that has been posted each Monday and are doing your best to stay sharp. With the new "Circuit Breaker" restrictions I thought I would share some charade activities that you can try within your family bubble this weekend. This will not only be a fun way to enjoy each others company but also get you moving either indoors or outdoors. 

It looks like we will be doing more online learning at least to start next week so please check back Monday morning for your weekly Phys Ed Lessons.

Have a great weekend!

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Posted: November 8, 2021

Hey everyone! Below is the our week two work from home. This weeks focus on is working on various skills such as chaging your body direction quickly, ability to move your body together smoothly and effectively and being able to perform a skill regularly to allow for self improvement. In addition to the small lessons remember to keep track of how your doing on the DEAM calendar that was posted last week. 

If you have a chance to take any photos of yourself being active or have any questions please don't hesitate to email me at

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Posted: November 4, 2021

Hey everyone! I hope your week is going well and that you are getting outside to practice your soccer skills and using the DEAM Calendar to keep track of your physical activity. Below is another activity that will allow you to not only keep fit but to also get creative. The first link is a "Fruit Fortune Teller" that you can cut out and create to try on your family and friends. After trying that out the second link allows you to make up your own using healthy food and other exercises (try burpees, mountain climbers, push-ups, jumping jacks, inch worms). If you need help understanding of how to fold the fortune teller there will be a link to a youtube video at the end of this paragraph. The weather has been great so get outside and stay active!

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Hey everyone. This activity will push you to get outside today and enjoy the weather. Remember that if you do go on a walk make sure that there is a responsible adult with you. You can find leaves anywhere! This activity can be done in addition to our soccer skills that were posted yesterday. Have fun!

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Posted: October 31, 2021

Attached is the DEAM calendar which will help students keep track of their physical activity while at home.

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Hey everyone! Our focus this week will be getting outside for at least 30 minutes a day and to try some of the activities outlined on our lesson map. This weeks focus is a review of the soccer skills we have been practicing throughout the fall months. Please click on the attached documents to see the lesson for the week.

One intitiative I would like students to try is "getting caught outside." If you have a photo of your child being active while outside please send a photo to me so I can post it to my teacher page.

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Added: Fri, Jan 21 2022