Mr. Flynn

Mr. Flynn's Phys Ed. Page

Posted: June 4, 2020

Below are both K-2 and 3-5 Phys Ed packets that we have been using over the past 5 weeks. This will be the last week of these to be posted for this school year. Have a great summer break!

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Posted: May 27, 2020

One way to work out while keeping our physical distancing is with Tabata workouts which are broken into 20 second sets of exercises followed by a 10 second break between each one. Students in Grades 3-5 are familiar with these as we used them as a warm-up throughout the year on numerous occassions. If you are unsure of what an exercise looks like use ctrl and click the link to see a short video. Enjoy keeping fit!

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Attached is a series of golf themed games that you can do at home and you don't even need clubs. These activities will help you with your throwing and also help you understand the basic rules to how golf is played. 

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Posted: May 12, 2020

Hey boys and girls. I found a neat challenge on the web that takes no time at all and all you need is a water bottle. Here is how it works:

-Fill a water bottle up halfway 

-Time yourself for one minute

-Complete 3 jumping jacks and flip the bottle two times for every 3 jumping jacks

-Each successful flip equals one point.

How many points can you get in one minute??? Send a video or picture and send it to me showing our learning community how you've been staying active!

An example of this challenge is:

Posted: May 12, 2020

Hampered In!

ASD-N's own Mr. McKinnon with a game called "Hampered In". Give it a try!

Posted: April 29, 2020

Get active with YMCA Fitness

This is another great free resource that comes from YMCA and allows students to keep active. I especially like the physical activity videos for ages 9-15. They are still in the process of adding content to their sport skills but the soccer skill video is very well done. Let me know if you try this out!

Posted: April 29, 2020

Game of 2 Square! (Only need two people and a ball)

This is a variation of four square which only requires two people and is a great way to practice your striking skills and defending an object from an opponents serve. Be sure to send me pictures or videos when you try it out!

Posted: April 23, 2020

PE with Joe

Great video each day that takes 30 minutes. You will be sweating at the end of these videos and they are great for everyone in the house to try! 

Posted: April 23, 2020

BOKS Workout

This is a daily workout suitable for students from Grades 2-5. 

Posted: April 23, 2020

Hey everyone! I hope all of my students have been keeping active over the past few weeks. I just wanted to let everyone know that each week I have been putting various challenges on the "3-5 Home Learning Page" which is located at the top of this screen. My hope is that students give the challenges a try in order to stay active. It is really important for our overall well-being both physically and mentally that we do some kind of physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day. For myself personally I've been keeping it very simple by going for an hour long walk each day and also running some in and around my neighbourhood.

If you find yourself at a loss of what to do you can always use some of the links that I have put up on this page. My personal favourite is the Body Coach who does a daily 30 minute workout which can really push you.

I have received a few photos and videos through email of students being active and helping out around the house so please keep those coming by sending them to

If you have any questions about the challenges or physical education in general please do not hesitate to email me!  



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Added: Fri, Jan 21 2022