Mrs. McKinnon

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: January 20, 2022

Good morning students and parents. I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.

Just a friendly reminder to make sure that all learning material is included inside of your learning packet and your name is visible on the front of packet. Please remember that the pick-up for the new learning packet , and the drop off of the original learning packet , will be on Friday, January 22nd between the hours of 9:00 -1:30 at the front of the school.   


Read 20 minutes and record on your reading log sheet.

Spelling – Review List 14 words by reading them aloud and spelling them aloud.

Read the clues below and write the correct Super Word in the blank. You will need to write the sentences out.

a)    Good teams need to be ____________.

b)   ________ is important before a sports event.

c)    Proper equipment is _________ when playing ball.

d)   After the rain we watched the groundskeepers ________the tarp from the playing field.

e)    When Jill fell off her bike, she ______ her leg.


Math – Review the 6 Times Tables. Refer to the following website to practice the 6 times tables ( Remember to follow all 5 steps when practicing your facts.

Journal Writing – Complete prompt #5 from the Write On page, located at the end of your reading log sheet packet. Remember to include the prompt number and date before completing your entry. Your writing entry should be at least 4-5 full sentences.

Complete the following activity sheets from learning packet # 8

Reading a Nutrition Label PP.56 & 57

Words That Describe P. 14

Graphs P. 424


Snow Monsters Do Drink Hot Chocolate – Listen to audio for chapter 7 (Wait!). Complete comprehension questions in complete sentence format.  

 I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Posted: January 19, 2022


Good morning students and parents! I hope everyone is doing well. 

Read 20 minutes and record on your reading log sheet provided in your packet. 

Spelling - Review List 14 words. 

         Unscramble the leters below to write list words. Use three of the unscrambled words in sentences

         sidsem -                      cedros -

         gomcin -                      dalhegu -

         nitul -                        igranc - 


Math - Study the 6 Times Tables. Use the following math site (only works on a laptop or desktop) to practice your 6 times tables. Click onto multiplication tables and review/practice the 6 times tables. Remember to follow the 5 step plan for each fact that you practice.

Complete the following activity sheets from your learning packet -Reading Canada's Food Guide To Healthy Eating PP.54-55 

                                                            Quotation Marks          


Journal Writing - Complete prompt # 4 (Write On Sheet attached to the end of reading log sheets in your packet)

Snow Monsters Do Drink Hot Chocolate (Read Aloud) - Listen to the audio for chapter 6  (Forever Winter) 

                                                   Complete the comprehension questions (See attachment below)

I miss everyone. Remember to stay safe. 


Mrs. McKinnon :))  

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Posted: January 18, 2022


Good morning students and parents. I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.

Read 20 minutes and record on your reading log sheet.

Spelling- Review List 14 words. Remember to focus on 5 words in your list at a time when studying. 

         Put all list words in alphabetical order.  

Math - Study the 6 Times Tables

        Google Click onto multiplication tables and review the math fact table you wish to practice (Facts 1-5). Remember there is a 5 step plan to complete for each fact that you review. 

Note: This site only allows free access on a laptop or computer, not on an I-pad. 

Snow Monsters Do Drink Hot Chocolate - Listen to audio for chapter 5 (Clumsy)

                                      Complete comprehension questions ( See attached file)

Complete the 6th set of activity sheets from your learning packet titled Reading Labels Continued PP.52 and 53

                                                                    The Comma P.44

                                                                    Baseball Bar Graph 

Note: Those students on Dreambox please google the following site and work for 1.5 - 2 hours each week. You may break your time up into 30 minute sessions, if you wish. If you have forgotten or misplaced your username and password from beofre, please e-mail me at and let me know. 


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Posted: January 17, 2022


Good morning students and parents! I hope all is well with everyone.

Read 20 minutes and record in your reading log duo-tang

Snow Monsters Do Drink Hot Chocolate - Listen to audio for Chapter 4 (Splash)

                                       Complete comprehension questions attached below

Spelling - Read aloud and study List 14 words. Remember to break up your word list and review 5 words each day. Write sentences with any 10 list words. Remember to use capital letters when starting your sentences and use proper end marks. 

Math - Study your 6 Times Tables ( Refer to your Math Fact Sheet in your learning packet.)

Journal Writing - Refer to the last page titled Write On p.52, attached to your reading log entry sheets. Complete Prompt # 3. Please remember to include the date and prompt number at the top of your page before completing your entry. 

Complete the fifth set of activity sheets found in your learning packet titled  Reading Labels p.51

                                                                         Rules of Punctuation p.42

                                                                         End Punctuation. p.43

                                                                         Telling Time - 1 minute intervals  

Please reach out if you have any questions or concenrs.  


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