Mrs. Richardson

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: June 9, 2023

Classe titulaire ( Homeroom) 7/8 

  • June 19th-June 23rd we will have our last Spirit Week 
  • Monday June 19th Homeroom challenges
  • Tuesday June 20th at 9am Grade 8 awards
  •  Tuesday June 20th from 8-10pm Grade 8 + guest only dance. 
  •  Wednesday June 21st-  School Talent Show
  • Thursday June 22nd- Grade 8 end of the year field trip
  • Thursday June 22nd- Last day for Cafeteria use
  • Friday June 23rd- Last day for students.  Reports are issued at 11:00 AM

Classe titulaire ( Homeroom) 7/8 

  • Last middle school dance of the year: Friday June 2nd, from 7-9pm. Cost is $5.00 and canteen will be available. 
  •  Monday June 5th Grade 7 field trip from 8:30am-1:30pm.

Students will need to bring:

1. Comfortable and proper clothing for outside elements (sunglasses, hats, sneakers, layers, socks for bowling)

2.Swim wear, towel, and a bag to keep wet items in

3. Sunscreen/bug spray

4.  Water bottle, snacks and a lunch if they did not pre-order. THERE WILL NOT BE AN OPTION TO GO ORDER DAIRY QUEEN WHEN WE GET THERE. MUST PRE-ORDER IF THEY WANT DQ.

  • Elementary Drama presents Twinderella in the cafeteria at 5:30pm
  • Thursday June 8th: MAA Student Market 2023 ) See attached poster). 
  1. Students will need their business plan, poster/ advsertising exhibit/ table cloth/ produts etc...
  2. Float with change ( depending on their price) loonies, toonies, small bills.
  3. Something to hold their float in. 
  4. Spending money if they want to buy lunch at the food trucks or other students products ( They can't use the money from their float or profit, as this will interfere with their calculations). 
  5. The market will finish at 2pm, all students will be staying to clean up and for calculations to be done regarding their sales. 3pm, students will go home on the bus, be picked up or walk home ( if they are a walker).


  • June 19th-June 23rd we will have our last Spirit Week 
  • Monday June 19th Homeroom challenges
  • Tuesday June 20th at 9am Grade 8 awards
  •  Tuesday June 20th from 8-10pm Grade 8 + guest only dance. 
  •  Wednesday June 21st-  School Talent Show
  • Thursday June 22nd- Grade 8 end of the year field trip
  • Thursday June 22nd- Last day for Cafeteria use
  • Friday June 23rd- Last day for students.  Reports are issued at 11:00 AM

Posted: May 8, 2023

Classe titulaire ( Homeroom) 7/8 

  • Drama Festival in Fredeicton May 8th-10th ( Only for drama students).
  • Friday May 12th- UNB Math Competition for grade 7 and 8 students ( students attending have been notified and permission slips and information was sent home to those parents/guardians).
  • Provincial Assessments Grade 7- Math and French- Grade 8- Science week of May 16th-19th.
  • No school Monday May 22th, 2023. 
  • Grade 8- Fundraiser Bake Sale

 7/8 E Français:

  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

8E Français:

  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

Collaboration 7/8E

  • We have started Powerplay Young Entrepreneurs, students have received their booklet and should have their product identified. 
  • Market is Thursday June 8th. 

7/8P and 8P PIF ( French):

  • Students have been working on their final French project in class for the last three weeks. The project is a Power Point presentation with a minimum of 5 slides about clothing. Students have their project saved to the Teams site and their Microsoft Office account. They have access to it at home and should be working on it. Friday presentations will begin. 

Posted: April 26, 2023

Classe titulaire ( Homeroom) 7/8 E

  • Green information form for grade 8 Fundraising went home yesterday- This will need to be brough back by Monday May 1st, 2023. 
  • Middle school dance Friday April28th from 7-9pm cost is $5.00 and there is a canteen. 
  • No school Thursday May 4th as teachers will be attending their AGM and PL in the afternoon.
  • No school Friday May 5th as teachers will be attending Subject Council Day in various parts of the province. 
  • Fundraiser for Grade 8 students from 4:30 pm-9:00 in the gym 4X4 Volleyball tournament must pre-register ( information is on our Facebook Page).
  • Drama Festival in Fredeicton May 8th-10th ( Only for drama students)
  • Friday May 12th- UNB Math Competition for grade 7 and 8 students ( students attending have been notified and permission slips and information was sent home to those parents/guardians).
  • Provincial Assessments Grade 7- Math and French- Grade 8- Science week of May 16th-19th.

 7/8 E Français:

  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

8E Français:

  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

Collaboration 7/8E

  • Students are exploring careers and learning about Digital Innovation.
  • We will be begining Power Play at the start of May. Students should be thinking about their business idea and what product they would like to make for our big June Market. 

7/8P and 8P PIF ( French):

  • Students have been working on their final French project in class for the last three weeks. The project is a Power Point presentation with a minimum of 5 slides about clothing. Students have their project saved to the Teams site and their Microsoft Office account. They have access to it at home and should be working on it. Friday presentations will begin. 

Posted: April 17, 2023

Classe titulaire ( Homeroom) 7/8 E

  • Nothing at this time. 

 7/8 E Français:

  • Students presented their novel study projects today Monday April 17th, the remaining students will present this week. 
  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

8E Français:

  • Students presented their novel study projects today Monday April 17th, the remaining students will present this week. 
  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

Collaboration 7/8E

  • Students are exploring careers and learning about Digital Innovation.
  • We will be begining Power Play at the start of May. Students should be thinking about their business idea and what product they would like to make for our big June Market. 

7/8P and 8P PIF ( French):

  • Students have been working on their final French project in class for the last three weeks. The project is a Power Point presentation with a minimum of 5 slides about clothing. Students have their project saved to the Teams site and their Microsoft Office account. They have access to it at home and should be working on it. Friday presentations will begin. 

Posted: April 11, 2023

Classe titulaire ( Homeroom) 7/8 E

  • Yearbook order forms and money must be handed in by April 14th. No extra yearbooks will be ordered. 
  • Term two report card will be sent home Tuesday April 11th. 
  • Parent- teacher interviews are Thursday April 13th evening 4:00-6:00pm and Friday April 14th from 9:00-11:30 Am First come/ first served for middle school. 
  • No scool Friday April 14th as it's parent-teacher. 

 7/8 E Français:

  • Students must get their novel project outline signed and returned to class. Students are working on their novel projects and everything is due by April 17th.
  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

8E Français:

  • Students must get their novel project outline signed and returned to class. Students are working on their novel projects and everything is due by April 17th.
  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

Collaboration 7/8E

  • Nothing at this time. 

Posted: April 4, 2023

Classe titulaire ( Homeroom) 7/8 E

  • Yearbook order forms and money must be handed in by April 14th. No extra yearbooks will be ordered. 
  • Term two report card will be sent home Tuesday April 11th. 
  • Parent- teacher interviews are Thursday April 13th evening 4:00-6:00pm and Friday April 14th from 9:00-11:30 Am First come/ first served for middle school. 
  • No school Friday AprIl 7th as it's Good Friday
  • No school Monday April 10th as it's Easter Monday
  • No scool Friday April 14th as it's parent-teacher. 

 7/8 E Français:

  • Students must get their novel project outline signed and returned to class. Students are working on their novel projects and everything is due by April 17th.
  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

8E Français:

  • Students must get their novel project outline signed and returned to class. Students are working on their novel projects and everything is due by April 17th.
  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

Collaboration 7/8E

  • Nothing at this time. 

Posted: March 20, 2023

  • Grade 8 Ski trip ( Campbelton)- Thursday March 23rd, 2023.
  • No school Friday March 24th- As teachers are working on report cards in the AM, and Professional Learning in the PM.
  • ***Please note our Collaboration Showcase for the 2nd project- Sector on Health has been moved to Wednesday March 29th.

 7/8 E Français:

  • We have now completed all chapters of our novel student. There will be a quiz tomorrow Tuesday March 21st on comprehension. Final project launch for the novel study will also be tomorrow. 
  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

8E Français:

  • We have now completed all chapters of our novel student. There will be a quiz tomorrow Tuesday March 21st on comprehension. Final project launch for the novel study will also be tomorrow. 
  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

Collaboration 7/8E

  • We have begun our second sector which is "Health". Students will be assigned their career this week and research will begin next week.  Showcase of final project will be Wednesday March 29th 2023. Students will present in class Wednesday March 22nd. 

Posted: February 27, 2023

Classe titulaire 7/8E (Homeroom).

  • *****NOTE We have moved our project showcase to March we have missed a few days due to weather and students have been taking part in many activities. We want to give them more time on their final project. 
  • Monday February 27th- Grade 8 ski trip code of conduct, permission slip and fee are due. 
  • Tuesday February 28th- Middle School fundraiser- Timberwolves vs. MAA baketball players. Game will take place during school and is only for middle school students from 12:00-1:30 ish, students who want to watch the game will pay $2.00 admission and will have an opportunity to meet the T-wolves players and take a homeroom picture.  Those who pay $2 will have their names put in for door prizes. 
  • Wednesday March 1st- ONLY the GRADE 7 from my homeroom will be going cross country skiing. 
  • Friday March 3rd- last skating time at the civic center for 7/8E. Helmet and skates are required. 
  • Next week Monday February 27th-Friday March 3rd- Winter Carnival Spirit Week.
  1. Tuesday February 28th: Fancy " Smancy" Day" wear your best clothes ex: suit and tie
  2. Wednesday March 1st: Mathletes vs Athletes.
  3. Thursday March 2nd: Villain vs Hero: Pick your favorite fictional character and dress up like that ex: Batman vs The Joker
  4. Friday March 3rd: Dress in our school colors: bleu and yellow.

 7/8 E Français:

  • Students need to complete chapter 6 vocabulary words and comprehension questions for Wednesday February 1st. We will be correcting in class. Students were given a whole period to complete this work. 
  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

8E Français:

  • Students need to complete chapter 2 vocabulary words and comprehension questions for . We will be correcting next class. 
  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

Collaboration 7/8E

  • We have begun our second sector which is "Health". Students will be assigned their career this week and research will begin next week.  Showcase of final project will be Tuesday March 21st, 2023. 

Posted: February 22, 2023

Classe titulaire 7/8E (Homeroom).

  • Wednesday February 22nd, 2023- TNB Theatre New-Brunswick will be here to present their play " Altar".
  • Wednesday February 22nd- Pink Shirt Day.
  • *****NOTE We have moved our project showcase to March we have missed a few days due to weather and students have been taking part in many activities. We want to give them more time on their final project. 
  • Monday February 27th- Grade 8 ski trip code of conduct, permission slip and fee are due. 
  • Wednesday March 1st- ONLY the GRADE 7 from my homeroom will be going cross country skiing. 
  • Next week Monday February 27th-Friday March 3rd- Winter Carnival Spirit Week.

  1. Monday February 27th: PJ Day
  2. Tuesday February 28th: Fancy " Smancy" Day" wear your best clothes ex: suit and tie
  3. Wednesday March 1st: Mathletes vs Athletes.
  4. Thursday March 2nd: Villain vs Hero: Pick your favorite fictional character and dress up like that ex: Batman vs The Joker
  5. Friday March 3rd: Dress in our school colors: bleu and yellow.

 7/8 E Français:

  • Students need to complete chapter 2 and 3 vocabulary words and comprehension questions for Wednesday February 1st. We will be correcting in class. Students were given a whole period to complete this work. 
  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

8E Français:

  • Lecture lundi-jeudi pour 20 minutes. Read Monday-Thursday for 20 minutes (each night). Students are responsible to exchange their books at the beginning of the week. They have access to loveled books in the classroom. 
  • Running Records will continue throughout the year. 

Collaboration 7/8E

  • We have begun our second sector which is "Health". Students will be assigned their career this week and research will begin next week.  Showcase of final project will be Tuesday March 21st, 2023. 



Reading Comprehension for 7E and 8E ( Chandail Orange) Reading/ Lecture
Instruction on "How to access your student e-mail or Teams".
Keep track of your French activities.