Bonjour mes ami(e)s!
I miss all of your smiling faces, your personalities & great stories. I really wish we could be together at school again but for now we have to go on a different learning adventure: learning at home!
Learning from home can be so much fun! Brennan learned how to change and wash his bed linens last week. He didn't think he could do it at first but after he did, and he was so proud of himself afterward!
In the coming weeks, I would like to invite you to visit the Max Aitken Academy website (K-2 page), as every Monday morning we will be posting a grid of activities students may choose to try out.
I'd also like to remind you that these are just some opportunities for learning while stuck at home, they are not mandatory. Students may also be learning through imaginative play, exercise, meal preparation, problem solving, hand-eye coordination, household chores, arts & crafts, etc.
Also, you should have received an email with log in information for your child to participate in the "Number Rumble" math competition, if they so choose.
Other helpful tips:
- continue reading (English or French),
- listen to the French language (change an already familiar movie to French audio, put on French music, listen to the radio, watch a French cartoon...),
- speak French daily (to parents, siblings, pets, stuffed animals...just continue to practice forming French sounds with your mouth/tongue).
I will be posting here, on my teacher page as well! So check back!
Sending my love,
Mme Comeau