Mme. Comeau

Bienvenue à la 3e année! 2022-2023

Posted: January 11, 2022

This video is a retro cartoon that talks about adjectives (describing words).

I would like you to:
1) Watch it and
2) make a list of all the adjectives you hear/see in it.">" target="_blank">"">"

 Tomorrow we will be working on a sheet of adjectives, so this is a great start.

Posted: January 11, 2022

Bonne Année classe!
Voici ce que tu dois faire aujourd'hui:
1) Lecture - Read a book on Boukili (class code:pwezf8) then record the title, date, and fill in the 3 questions about the book you read. on the Daily Reading Log sheets provided.
2) Problème du jour - Do the problems of the day for Lundi and Mardi (lundi is a pattern & mardi is putting the numbers in order)
3) Orthographe : leçon 6 (This is the sheets we had been doing for homework before the break.)
4) Math - "Additionner des nombres à 2 chiffres" worksheet. So you can practice adding two digit numbers together for today. There is an example at the top of the page that shows the 2 different ways we have looked at adding 2 digit numbers together.
5) Phys Ed - Mr. Flynn included a "DEAM - Drop Everything And Move" calendar for January. There are 31 different activities on there that you can do to get your body moving. It's very cold today, so you may want to choose one that can be done indoors. (most can)

For those that can and want to access online ressources.

You may go on to Zorbit (there is an assignment in your backpack on there), or Lalilo (Code: PBKGCT) to work on extra things.
You may also read extra books on Boukili and I will also post a link to a short French video I'd like you to watch if you have time.

Please fill out the daily check in with any questions or concerns at:

Also you may email me anytime:

Please keep all of your completed work in a safe place to bring back to school when we return.
I will be marking it (I want to see your work, not necessarily perfect work.) and I will be noting who is participating.

I also welcome videos messages and recorded readings on Boukili as often as you'd like.
I ask that if you can access it that you do record yourself reading on Boukili at least 2 times per week, if you can.

Mme Comeau

Posted: January 8, 2022

As you all know by now, students of New Brunswick have been told they must do their learning from home until at least January 21st 2022.

To facilitate this we have prepared learning packets for the 9 days of learning. These are to be completed and brought back to school when students return. Some of this is new material and there will be video and/or audio instruction posted to this page periodically to go along with the leanring packet. So please check back often.

I will also post a Zorbit assignment or two each week that students may complete at their convenience (if they can access it.)
I will also be assigning books on the Boukili site/app. (If for some reason your child can not access this site to read daily, please let me know and we can discuss other options for the daily reading log.)

I am available Monday-Friday from 8am - 3pm. You can send me an email anytime and I will get back to you as soon as I can. 

Home Learning packets can be picked up Monday January 10th at the Front entrance (gr. 3-5) from 9am-2pm.

Posted: December 13, 2021

Good morning students!

Once again we must learn from home, due to Covid in the school.

New words for this week are: tous, toute, tout, comment, malade, à peu près, bonjour, mon, ma, mes

You may go on to read French books

There is an assignment on Zorbit as well.

Lalilo is always there to work on as well.

You all received a new Covid learning pack as well. If you are finished your work from the first packet sent home, please return the completed work, and do a couple pages from your new packet. 

Thanks and see you tomorrow for SKATING!
Mme Comeau

Posted: December 9, 2021

  • Our class goes skating TUESDAY, DEC 14th @ 8:30 am
    * Any parent wishing to attend must send their proof od double vaccination to MR. Flynn prior to 8am Tuesday morning. (

    *Students need a hockey helmet, winter coat and winter or hockey gloves to participate.

    *If your child would like to borrow skates and/or a helmet from the school, I need to know ASAP so we can try them on at recess, to see if we have anything that fits them. (If you could send a note with shoes size that would help speed up the process.)

  • Our class will be recording their act for the Christmas concert on Thursday Dec. 16th. Your child may dress up if they'd like that day. 

  • Finally, our class won a party for our fundraising efforts this fall. They have voted on a "make your own sundae party" for Friday the 17th. Of course all toppings/ice cream will be nut safe, however if you have any dietary concerns, please let me know and I can get an alternative for your child.

Posted: November 29, 2021

Good morning class!
Another operational day means you are doing school from home.

Here is what you need to do:

  • Read your French books you have home (Library or leveled books) and/or go on Boukili and read for at least 15 minutes on solo mode. I have assigned you all at least one new book.
  • Practice your words for the week: gros, grosse, jeu, de, mange, manger, monsieur, maintenant, très, dix
  • Zorbits assignment 'le 29 novembre'
  • *If you are not able to log in to the online platforms, please complete 2 math sheets and 2 French sheets from your covid pack

If you have any questions, please send me an email

Bon lundi!
Mme Comeau

Posted: November 23, 2021


Due to the positive case in the school today is an operational day to ensure contact tracing and cleaning is done.
If your child is a close contact you will receive a letter (email) with instructions.

For home learning today your child can work from the Home Learning pack (sent home in September) for this reason. 
If your child would prefer to do online learning, a mixture of the packet and online, or just the packet, you can decide. 

There is a new assignment on Zorbit "Le 23 novembre" and they can go onto Boukili and read any books available to them.
Please put completed sheets in your child's homework folder to return to school. 

Have a great day!
Mme Comeau

Posted: November 12, 2021

Some help with today's Zorbit assignment instructions. 

Posted: November 12, 2021

Bonjour mes petits singes!
J'espère que vous allez faire beaucoup de choses amusantes avec ta famille, cette fin de semaine!
Voici votre travail pour le vendredi 12 novembre!


    • Read 15-20 minutes in French. Use your own books, library books (the library @ Carrefour is open to anyone with a library card or you can get one there), or you can use BOUKILI to read the book I've assigned to you (if you can record yourself on the app, even better!)
    • Practice your words for the week: moi, du, des, quel, quelle, dans, besoin, regarde, peux, peut. (Practice spelling & meaning: click here. Try making a sentence for besoin & regarde.
    • Review the sound: è, ê, ë, ei, et, ai, est (which can be written all these ways) & use the correct one to answer the questions below.(continuation from Wednesday)
      7)  Regarde bien!  Quelle faute(erreur) se trouve dans les mots suivants : mere, pere, frere?
      8)  ____-ce que je peux aller à la salle de bain?

                *(You can always work on Lalilo if you have time in your day) 


  • Review numbers 1-500, (try skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s, & 25s, starting from various numbers)
  • Zorbits (app on iPad or chrome browser) assignment "Le 12 novembre" (Math facts practice and an introduction to the fraction games.) Remember "moitié means "half". (Instruction video here)
  • Problème du jour:  Ruby a une boîte de 70 biscuits. Elle a mangé 12 biscuits. Combien de biscuits a-t-elle maintenant ?

Don't forget to get some physical activity in today! 
* You can always check our Mr. Flynn's teacher page and Mrs. Gallant's page for other fun activities.

* Reminder to date & keep all paper copies of work to bring with you when we return to school.
* Your participation is noted on each app/website that we use.

Don't forget to fill out the daily check-in form so I know how your day went. 

If you have any questions, concerns, stories or work to share, send me a message! or Search "Mme Comeau" on Facebook and send me a message on my teacher page.

Bonne fin de semaine!
Mme Comeau

PDF icon home_learning_schedule.pdf454.48 KB

Posted: November 10, 2021

Bonjour Classe!! C'est mercredi le 10 novembre.

Demain c'est le Jour du Souvenir. C'est une journée pour dire merci au soldats qui ont été à la guerre.
Voici un vidéo qui explique pourquoi nous portons des coquelicots. 
*(First 5 min. is explaining why we wear poppies and how they became the symbol. The second 5 minutes is a story about poppies. All in French, but fairly easy to understand.)

De plus, voici une très bonne chanson pour le jour du souvenir.
En français:
En anglais:


  • Words for the week: moi, du, des, quel, quelle, dans, besoin, regarde, peux, peut. (Practice spelling & meaning.)
    Try making a sentence for moi & dans.
  • Sounds to practice/review: è, ê, ë, ei, et, ai, est 
    Use the correct one to answer the questions below:
    5) On a besoin de moi pour écrire les mots bleu___ et proj___. Qui suis-je?
    6) Quel accent est absent des mots foret, etre, tete et peche ?
  • Boukili (online): Read the books available to you at your level. 
    You can record yourself reading books from any of the levels at any time. 
     Lalilo (online): Click on student in school, code: PBKGCT.
  • Le jour du Souvenir (Remembrance Day activity): Click here. Write down the vowels and consonants, and count the syllables in each word.


    • Review numbers to 500. Try counting by 10's, counting from different numbers, and try counting by 25s.
    • Zorbits (app on iPad or chrome browser on laptop/computer): assignment "Le 8 novembre" only for those who did not have time to complete it. No new assignment for those who are finished all previous assignments.
    • Problème du jour: Il y a 11 ours qui cherchent les baies. Cinq (5) ours vont dormir. Maintenant, il y a combien d'ours qui cherchent les baies?


Check out Mrs. Gallant's teacher page for music & Mr. Flynn's teacher page for some ideas to stay physically active!


Min. 30 minutes: Physical Activity. Enjoy some time outside and the fresh air!


* Reminder to keep all paper copies of work to bring with you when we return to school.

* Your participation is noted on each app/website that we use.


Please complete our daily check-in once you have competed today’s work!: 

If you have an questions, concerns or want to share any work you've been up to, please email me at:

Passe un bon mercredi!

Mme Comeau 


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Added: Thu, Jan 27 2022