Mme. Comeau

Bienvenue à la 3e année! 2022-2023

Posted: November 10, 2021

Bonjour Classe!! C'est mercredi le 10 novembre.

Demain c'est le Jour du Souvenir. C'est une journée pour dire merci au soldats qui ont été à la guerre.
Voici un vidéo qui explique pourquoi nous portons des coquelicots. 
*(First 5 min. is explaining why we wear poppies and how they became the symbol. The second 5 minutes is a story about poppies. All in French, but fairly easy to understand.)

De plus, voici une très bonne chanson pour le jour du souvenir.
En français:
En anglais:


  • Words for the week: moi, du, des, quel, quelle, dans, besoin, regarde, peux, peut. (Practice spelling & meaning.)
    Try making a sentence for moi & dans.
  • Sounds to practice/review: è, ê, ë, ei, et, ai, est 
    Use the correct one to answer the questions below:
    5) On a besoin de moi pour écrire les mots bleu___ et proj___. Qui suis-je?
    6) Quel accent est absent des mots foret, etre, tete et peche ?
  • Boukili (online): Read the books available to you at your level. 
    You can record yourself reading books from any of the levels at any time. 
     Lalilo (online): Click on student in school, code: PBKGCT.
  • Le jour du Souvenir (Remembrance Day activity): Click here. Write down the vowels and consonants, and count the syllables in each word.


    • Review numbers to 500. Try counting by 10's, counting from different numbers, and try counting by 25s.
    • Zorbits (app on iPad or chrome browser on laptop/computer): assignment "Le 8 novembre" only for those who did not have time to complete it. No new assignment for those who are finished all previous assignments.
    • Problème du jour: Il y a 11 ours qui cherchent les baies. Cinq (5) ours vont dormir. Maintenant, il y a combien d'ours qui cherchent les baies?


Check out Mrs. Gallant's teacher page for music & Mr. Flynn's teacher page for some ideas to stay physically active!


Min. 30 minutes: Physical Activity. Enjoy some time outside and the fresh air!


* Reminder to keep all paper copies of work to bring with you when we return to school.

* Your participation is noted on each app/website that we use.


Please complete our daily check-in once you have competed today’s work!: 

If you have an questions, concerns or want to share any work you've been up to, please email me at:

Passe un bon mercredi!

Mme Comeau 

Posted: November 9, 2021

Bonjour mes amis!! C'est le 9 novembre.
Voici ton travail pour aujourd'hui! 


    •  Words for the week: moi, du, des, quel, quelle, dans, besoin, regarde, peux, peut. (practice spelling and meaning, watch this video for help)
    • Sounds to practice/review: è, ê, ë, ei, et, ai, est, (use the correct one to answer the questions below...continuation from yesterday)

3)   Je suis le mot qui manque « mon ami ____ allé dehors » Qui suis-je ? 
4)   Je me trouve à la fin des verbes : Hier, je jou___s et je mange___s.  Qui suis-je ?

  • Boukili (online): Read at your appropriate level. You can record yourself reading books from any of the levels at any time. 
     Lalilo (online): Click on student in school, code: PBKGCT.
  • Le jour du Souvenir / Remembrance Day activity: Click here. Rearrange the words to make the sentence make sense. You can print the sheet or write them out on your own paper.


  • Review numbers 1-500, counting up or down from a random number (ex. starting at 151, ending at 199)
  • Zorbits (app on iPad or chrome browser on laptop/computer): assignment "Le 8 novembre" or any of the previous assignments not yet finished (login to zorbits app, click on the bookbag in the top right corner, click the megaphone, and then "aller" on the assignment)
  • Problème du jour: [25, 30 & 5] Utilise les trois nombres. Écris une phrase d’addition et une phrase de soustraction.


Check out Mrs. Gallant's teacher page for music & Mr. Flynn's teacher page for some ideas to stay physically active!


Min. 30 minutes: Physical Activity. Enjoy some time outside and the fresh air!


* Reminder to keep all paper copies of work to bring with you when we return to school.

* Your participation is noted on each app/website that we use.


Please complete our daily check-in once you have competed today’s work!:

Passe un bon mardi!

Mme Comeau 

Posted: November 9, 2021

Suggestion: Practice reading your words with the video muted first, then listen to see if you had it correct.

Posted: November 8, 2021

Good Monday morning!
Voici ton travail pour aujourd'hui! 


  •  Words for the week: moi, du, des, quel, quelle, dans, besoin, regarde, peux, peut. (practice spelling and meaning, we will use them in a sentence later this week)
  • Sounds to practice/review : è, ê, ë, ei, et, ai, est, (use the correct one to answer the questions below)
           1)      Je suis caché dans les mots suivants : b__ge, p___gne et n___ge. Qui suis-je ?
           2)      La fête du 25 décembre ne peut pas s’écrire sans moi. Qui suis-je ?
  • Boukili (online): Read at your appropriate level. You can record yourself reading books from any of the levels at any time. 
     Lalilo (online): Click on student in school, code: PBKGCT.


  • Review numbers 1-500, counting up or down from a random number (ex. starting at 151, ending at 199)
  • Create a pattern. Document your work. (You can use objects from home, draw a pattern, use words, etc)
  • Zorbits (app on iPad or chrome browser on laptop/computer): assignment "Le 8 novembre" or any of the previous assignments not yet finished (login to zorbits app, click on the bookbag in the top right corner, click the megaphone, and then "aller" on the assignment)
  • Problème du jour: Il y a 36 oiseaux qui volent au sud pour l’hiver. Puis 19 oiseaux vont les rejoindre. Maintenant, il y a combien d’oiseaux ?

Check out Mrs. Gallant's teacher page for music & Mr. Flynn's teacher page for some ideas to stay physically active!


Min. 30 minutes: Physical Activity. Enjoy some time outside and the fresh air!


* Reminder to keep all paper copies of work to bring with you when we return to school.

* Your participation is noted on each app/website that we use.


Please complete our daily check-in once you have competed today’s work! :

Passe une très bonne journée mes amis!
Mme Comeau 


PDF icon home_learning_schedule.pdf454.48 KB

Posted: November 5, 2021

Bon vendredi matin! J'ai un petit peu de neige chez moi ce matin!
C'est le 5 novembre aujourd'hui!


  • Dictée. Write what you hear. (Pause as you need to): Click here
  • Sound review video: Click here
  • Boukili (online): Read at your appropriate level. You can record yourself reading books from any of the books available to you when you scroll down. When you feel your books are all too easy, please record yourself reading one of those books and then I will assign the next level to you.
    OR Lalilo (online): Click on student in school, code: PBKGCT.


  • Review numbers 1-500, counting up or down from a random number to a certain number (ex. from 241-367)
  • Review written numbers to 100 (Watch this video and pay attention to the words at the bottom)
  • Zorbits (app on iPad or chrome browser on laptop/computer): assignment "Le 5 novembre" 
  • Problème du jour: Il y a 16 élèves dans la classe de mme Taylor, 16 élèves dans la classe de mme Comeau, et 18 élèves dans la classe de Ms. Anderson. Combien d’élèves est-ce qu’il y a en 3e année en total ?
  • Create an addition word problem. You can write it out (in French – try your best!) and use pictures to help if needed.


    • Follow one of these links to complete a Remembrance Day art activity. 

Poppies (coquelicots)  or Soldier (soldat/soldate)

Check out Mrs. Gallant's teacher page for music & Mr. Flynn's teacher page for some ideas to stay physically active!

Physical Activity. (MInimum 30 minutes) Enjoy some time outside and the fresh air!

* Reminder to keep all paper copies of work to bring with you when we return to school.
* Your participation is noted on each app/website that we use, if you can't access them, just do the actvities posted above that do not require apps/devices.

Please complete our daily check-in once you have completed today’s work! : 

If you have any questions, reach out:

Bonne fin de semaine!
Mme Comeau

Posted: November 4, 2021

In this video I review the complex sounds studied in grade 1 and grade 2, along with some words that include those sounds. I hope this helps.

Posted: November 4, 2021


Bonjour classe! C'est le 4 novembre. Voici ton travail pour aujourd'hui:



·      Reviewing the ‘o/au/eau’ sound. You can print it out to complete it or write your answers out on paper. Click here ) for the assignment.

·      Boukili (online): A new book has been assigned to you. You may also record yourself (if you have the app) reading that book or any other on the books available to you. Code: pwezf8

·      Lalilo (online): Click on student in school, code: PBKGCT.



·      Review numbers 1-500, counting on from a random number (ex. starting at 151)

·      Review written numbers to 100.

·      Zorbits (app on iPad or chrome browser on laptop/computer): assignment "Le 3 novembre" (login to zorbits app, click on the bookbag in the top right corner, click the megaphone, and then "aller" on the assignment). A new assignment will be available tomorrow.

·      Problème du jour: Aujourd’hui, c’est le jour 41. Combien de jours reste-t-il avant le 100e jour d’ecole ?(Show your work & keep it to bring back to school. You should have the date and your name on all of your work)

·      Create a subtraction word problem. You can write it out (in French – try your best!) and use pictures to help if needed.


Check out Mrs. Gallant's teacher page for music & Mr. Flynn's teacher page for some ideas to stay physically active!


Min. 30 minutes: Physical Activity. Enjoy some time outside and the fresh air!


* Reminder to keep all paper copies of work to bring with you when we return to school.

* Your participation is noted on each app/website that we use.



Please complete our daily check-in, here, once you have competed today’s work!

Mme Comeau 



Posted: November 3, 2021

If you want an excuse to dig out your Halloween candy, why not do some math with it then eat a little treat! :) 
This document has a bunch of cool candy challenges you can do with your candy.

Posted: November 3, 2021

We hope you have a wonderful day!!

Posted: November 3, 2021

Bonjour mes amis!

J'espère que tous va bien pour vous! Je vais vous envoyer un petit message plus tard.

For today's home Iearning I would like you to do the following:

Literacy (+30min.)

  • Read for 15 minutes (You've been assigned a book to read on Boukili)
  • Write sentences for the following 5 sight words:  
       - beaucoup, plusieurs, son, où, une, un
  • Lalilo (Continue to explore the world you are working on)
  • Bonus: I'd love a little video message of you reading one or two of your sentences!

Physical Education (+30min.) & Well-being

  • Don't forget to move your body and have healthy snacks and meals today!

Math (+30min.)

  • Practice skip counting items in your home (by 2s, 5s, 10s, or 25s). (Coins, halloween candy, cereal bits)
  • Zorbits has a new assignment posted.
  • Problème du jour: Dylan a 40 biscuits. Il a mangé 9 biscuits. Il reste combien de biscuits?
    (Show your work and keep your paper or take a photo so I can check your work.)
  • Bonus: Create a math problem (with words) for your classmates to do when we get back in class!

Daily Check-in
Don't forget to fill in the form about your day! 

I am checking on how you are doing on each app and recording your participation each day! Good job boys and girls! I can't wait to see you all in person and then we can share the math work you've done and the sentences you've come up with! So don't forget to save them all!

Have a great day!
Mme Comeau



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Added: Thu, Jan 27 2022