Latest Teacher Activity

Title Type Page Post date
Features of a Memoir Document Mrs. McLean May 27, 2024
The Unexpected Dangers of Roasting Marshmallows Document Mrs. McLean May 27, 2024
Devoir lundi le 27 may, 2024. Note Mrs. Richardson May 27, 2024
Martin Mouton Image Gallery Mme Girouard May 26, 2024
Martin Mouton Web Link Mme Girouard May 26, 2024
STEM and Homeroom Notices for May 27-31 Note Ms. A. Barrieau May 25, 2024
STEM and Homeroom Notices for May 21-24 Note Ms. A. Barrieau May 25, 2024
Lise Lapine Image Gallery Mme Girouard May 20, 2024
Lise Lapine Web Link Mme Girouard May 20, 2024
Memoir PowerPoint Document Mrs. McLean May 20, 2024
Homework Homework Mrs. McLean May 19, 2024
Hubert Hibou Image Gallery Mme Girouard May 15, 2024
Hubert Hibou Web Link Mme Girouard May 15, 2024
Multiplying Fractions Web Link Mrs. Gillham May 15, 2024
Multiplying Fractions Web Link Mrs. Gillham May 15, 2024
Regarde la maison Video Mme Girouard May 13, 2024
Le ballon de Zoé Video Mme Girouard May 13, 2024
Le ballon de Zoé Video Mme Girouard May 13, 2024
Le ballon de Zoé Video Mme Girouard May 13, 2024
Les ballons Video Mme Girouard May 13, 2024
Francine Fourmi Image Gallery Mme Girouard May 13, 2024
Francine Fourmi Web Link Mme Girouard May 13, 2024
STEM and Homeroom Notices for May 13-17 Note Ms. A. Barrieau May 13, 2024
Bio-Making in STEM Last Week Image Gallery Ms. A. Barrieau May 13, 2024
David Dragon Image Gallery Mme Girouard May 8, 2024
